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城主从天上掉下来了!The duke fell from the sky!

主从不退缩,主与我们同在。He stands beside us, and He never retreats.

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你的主从开头看到终极Thy Lord, who sees the end from the beginning

此处我们考虑一种主从模式非常有用It is useful to think a master-slave model here

主从模式增强了系统的可扩展性。The master-slave mode improves the expandability.

富裕的地主从那位贫穷的老妇人那里骗走了土地。The rich landlord cheated the poor old woman of her land.

直到上主从天垂顾怜视。Ain. Till the Lord regarded and looked down from the heavens.

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该设计采用2片TLC320AC01芯片,可工作于主从模式。In this method, two TLC320AC01were used under master-slave mode.

当今主从遥控机器人通讯正朝着快速化、精密化的方向发展。At present, robot communication is being faster and more precise.

上下级的CA间采用主从协作。The superior and subordinate Agents adopted the master-menial cooperation.

两者之间是主从的关系,不能互相颠倒。Relation between them is principal and subordinate, which cannot be reversed.

随着时光流逝,一种“主从关系”官能伴随着不断的挑剔发展,完全。Over time, a parent-child dynamic can develop, complete with constant nagging.

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研究了需求不确定条件下的供应链鲁棒主从对策问题。Studies the robust Stackelberg game of supply chain based on uncertain demand.

文章讨论了控制变量耦合的受限系统的主从对策问题。The paper presents Stackelberg games for the systems with coupling control variable.

本文介绍了一种具有力觉触觉临场感的主从机器人系统。This paper introduces a master-slave robot system with force and touch telepresence.

我也表明,马华必须去除和巫统的主从关系。I pointed out that the perception of a master-servant relationship should be removed.

屋主从当地供电所购买他还需要的电量。The homeowner buys whatever remaining electric power he needs from the local utility.

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主从复合句即是复杂句,它也是由两个以上的句子构成。Thee complex sentence is a complex sentence, it is composed of more than two sentences.

抓持规划是灵巧手主从抓持的核心问题。Grasp planning is the most important subject of the master-slave dexterous hand grasping.

一个主从复制结构是会发送所有的数据修改查询到主服务器。A master-slave replication setup sends all data modification queries to the master server.