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草地适于打球。The lawn plays well.

只适合在发展联盟打球。Only in the D-League.

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他能安静地打打球!He can play ball quiet!

球星们打球打得非常好。A. stars play very well.

我们一起打球。We played ball together.

能快乐的打打球!Can the dozen play happy!

汤尼,你打球吗?。Hey, Tony, do you play football?

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客人打球费用另计。Exclusive of guest's golfing fee.

我喜欢在硬地场上打球。I like to play on the hard court.

马布里2004年至2008年一直在那里打球。Marbury played from 2004 to 2008.

你知道,我一直在尽全力打球。You know, I played from my heart.

他们打球打了一个钟头每天。The play ball for 1 hour every day.

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所有打球的人都要穿保龄球鞋。All bowlers must wear bowling shoes.

他不惯于在室内打球。He is unaccustomed to playing indoors.

骗子队丢了身价打球龌龊。Fakers lose their class and play dirty.

国王队目前在阿科球馆打球。The Kings currently play at Arco Arena.

方今我们最好不要打球了。For now we'd gambleter stop playing ball.

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传奇内挂在奋斗进程中,我学会了怎样打球。I've learned to play when I'm struggling!

最后被录取进入这儿的队伍打球。and eventually got recruited here to play.

在搏斗经过中,我学会了怎样打球。Inove learned to play when Inom struggling!