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异议人士按叛国罪论处。Dissent was tantamount to treason.

中国在1997年将同性性行为不再以犯罪论处。Gay sex was decriminalised in 1997 in China.

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提交虚假税收申请表将以对税务当局作伪证论处。Filing a false tax return is under the penalties of perjury to taxing authorities.

有下列情形之一的药品,按劣药论处。A drug falling into the following categories shall be deemed as a drug of inferior quality.

犯前款罪,事前通谋的,以共同犯罪论处。Conspirators to a crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be punished as for a joint crime.

“飞车抢夺”并非都应当以抢夺罪论处,有的是应当定为抢劫罪的。It should not be always punished as the snatch crime and some should be punished as the robbery crime.

利用第三者的职务上的便利以受贿论处值得商榷。The use of a third party in order to facilitate the job of taking bribes punished is open to question.

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私自挖掘古文化遗址、古墓葬的,以盗窃论处。Those who excavate sites of ancient culture or ancient tombs without permission are punishable for larceny.

对同一行为人实施了与贩卖毒品罪相关的不同毒品犯罪,采用重行为吸收轻行为的吸收原则作一罪论处。A person with various drug trafficking crimes should be punished by the best serious crime among various crimes.

当数额犯犯罪未遂与既遂并存时,应当以一罪论处,并从一重从重处罚。When the accomplished crime and attempted crime exist together, it is correct to adopt the method of heavy punishment.

超过批准的数量占用土地,多占的土地以非法占用土地论处。For an occupation of land in excess of the approved amount, part in excess shall be regarded as land illegally occupied.

队友间的商议必须尽量简短。争执不休或长时讨论均将依游戏步调迟缓论处。Debate or discussion between players on the same team other than extremely brief consultation will be considered slow play.

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没有征得留学生管理办公室同意而擅自缺考的同学将以旷考论处。For those who do not have the prior approvals from International Student Office, will be regarded as abandoning the examinations.

明知用于骗购外汇而提供人民币资金的,以共犯论处。Whoever provides the RMB capital knowingly for the purchase of foreign currency by deceitful means shall be dealt with as an accomplice.

合法入户而生窃念者,在盗窃过程中被发现,为抗拒抓捕……而当场使用暴力或以暴力相威胁的,其量刑配置应以一般抢劫罪论处。One who is caught stealing and resists arrest by using violence or threat of violence should be measured with the crime of common robbery.

刑法第25条规定,二人以上共同过失犯罪,不以共同犯罪论处。The 25th Article of the Criminal Law provides that common involuntary crime committed by over two persons will not be dealt with as common crime.

在本罪的客观要件中,提出了事前受贿行为也应以公司企业人员受贿罪论处的看法。In the part of objective elements of crime, we put forward the idea that the act of accepting bribe beforehand should be punished as the crime too.

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明知用于骗购外汇而提供人民币资金的,以共犯论处。Offenses involving the provision of Renminbi funds with the knowledge of fraudulent purchase of foreign exchange shall be punished as an accomplice.

与前两款所列人员勾结,伙同贪污的,以共犯论处。Whoever conspires with the persons listed in the preceding two paragraphs to engage in embezzlement shall be punished as an accomplice in the crime.

对片面共犯,理应按共同犯罪论处,但并不简单地承认片面共犯成立共同犯罪。In the author's opinion, one-sided accomplice should be treated as accomplice, but he does not acknowledge simply that one-sided accomplice is joint crime.