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金拓尊重您的隐私。Kitco respects your privacy.

大多侵犯隐私的行为是骚扰。Much of it is just annoying.

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这里面存在隐私的保卫战。There will be privacy battles.

你将成为一个隐私侵犯者。You will be a privacy invader.

为了安全牺牲隐私?Sacrificing Privacy for Security?

她总是在言谈中不慎而吐露了隐私。She always blabs out confidences.

伊文思真正关心的是人们的隐私。Evans' real concern is about privacy.

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“我们很珍惜我们的隐私,”法雷尔说。"We value our privacy," Farrell says.

加密是一种保护隐私的方法。Encryption is one way to guard privacy.

独占性和隐私是关键因素。Exclusivity and privacy are key factors.

你的小公司是否提供方便的隐私?Is your small business privacy-friendly?

这封信有多少涉及人身隐私?Just how personal should this letter be?

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隐私和信任极其重要。Privacy and trust are vitally important.

我不过是和你分享罢了,这可是我的隐私,崔西。I’m just sharing. This is intimacy, Trish.

避免与好探人隐私,搬弄是非之人在一起。Avoid a questioner, for he is also a tattler.

探问别人隐私是不礼貌的。It is ill-mannered to ask personal questions.

对于那些对隐私过敏的用户,它似乎还不错。For privacy freaks, it sounds like a good deal.

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您的就医隐私会受到保护。Your medical-seeking privacy will be protected.

出版是对我的隐私的一种严重侵犯。Publishing is a terrible invasion of my privacy.

对于隐私维权者而言,此举也代表着逐步的变化。The move is a step-change for the activists too.