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你不送给玛利亚一份送别礼物吗?Maria a good-bye present?

车站送别,依依惜别。Station to bid farewell.

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我们需要为他举办一个送别晚晏吗?Need we take a farewell party for him?

可是现在,送别的礼物就在这儿。But now, there it was----the going-away gift.

1942年春天,在列宁格勒的一场送别仪式。A farewell in Leningrad, in the spring of 1942.

安总是要站在窗前挥手送别。Ann used to stand at the window and wave goodbye.

并且能听到劳沙的现金登记员在不停地送别游客。And the cash registers in Lauscha keep ringing out.

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安总要站在窗口前并挥手送别。Ann always to stand at the window and waves to see off.

大家都凑了钱买送别礼物给詹妮弗。We all chipped in to buy Jennifer a going-away present.

我们大家都凑了钱买一个送别礼物给詹妮弗。We all chipped in to buy Jennifer a going-away present.

我们大师都凑了钱买一个送别礼物给詹妮弗。We 'sl of chipped in to buy Jennifer a spining-away present.

“我知道,”教授说,“可这是我要乘坐的火车,他们是来送别的朋友。”"But it was my train. MY friends only came to say goodbye.".

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苏轼与辛弃疾的送别词内容丰富,气象万千。The contents of both Su's and Xin's were profound and abundant.

这同你要送别一个国外客户的情况是一样的。The same is true with thr activity of seeing off a foreign guest.

我们大家都凑了钱买一个送别礼物给詹妮弗。We nearly all chipped in to buy Jennifer a trialing-out of present.

在当地人为他举办的送别会上,卡梅隆发表了一份演讲。Before bidding farewell to the Kayapó elders, Cameron made a speech.

我们公共都凑了钱买一个送别礼物给詹妮弗。We everything chipped in to buy Jennifer a spining-on holiday present.

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这条毛毯是父亲送给爷爷的礼物----送别的礼物。The blanket was a gift from his Dad to his Granddad----a going-away gift.

史密斯有意把送别KP2设计成为“从莫洛凯岛毕业”。Ms. Smith suggested framing the KP2 sendoff as a 'graduation from Molokai.'

大家都在那边乱哭乱闹,然后把那个塑胶花都丢下去海里,向这位忠臣送别。They threw some plastic flowers into the ocean to see the loyal minister off.