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即使是你在平静的睡眠For even as you slumber

我们怎样让他平静下来?How do we calm it down?

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我会平静的面对这一切。I’m at peace with that.

身与心,皆应是平静的。What is the mind doing?

草海十分平静。It was quiet on her sea.

我一般都很平静的。I’m usually quite placid.

我们小船划破了平静的湖面。Our boat sliced the lake.

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创造更平静的环境。Create a calmer environment.

感受无风时大海的平静。Feel calm when the sea calm.

我在更衣室一向很平静。I'm a good locker-room dude.

他们讲话的语气谨慎平静。The mood is discreetly calm.

“我知道,”她平静地回答。“I do,” she replied, evenly.

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她由于愤怒而不能平静。She seethed with indignation.

他以平静的声音回答。He answered with a calm voice.

他是一个性情平静的人。He is a man of equable temper.

用亚伯拉罕·林肯平静的车厢。The Abraham Lincoln lown cars.

这也是一种平静的恢复力。There’s a calm resilience too.

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平静是生命的皇冠。quietude is the crown of life.

温和的回答能使愤怒者平静。A gentle answer quietens anger.

洗个热水澡会使你平静下来。A warm bath will calm you down.