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法庭内保持肃静。Order in the court.

全场肃静无声。A solemn silence reigned.

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休息吧,休息在肃静的灵里O rest, in utter quietude of soul

全场的观众都肃静无声地站着。The house stood in hushed silence.

法官走进来时,他们肃静了下来。They hushed as the judge walked in.

肃静现在宝贝,它是该去睡觉的时候。Hush now baby , it's time to go to sleep.

送葬的队伍缓缓地穿过肃静的街道。made its way slowly through the silent streets.

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汉斯。欧普。德。贝克的视觉语言是肃静而缄默的。Hans Op de Beeck's visual language is hushed and reserved.

他大声叫喊,违抗这警察要求肃静的警告。He shouted in defiance of the policeman's warning to be quiet.

但刘大使的风趣开场白很快打破了现场的肃静。The Ambassador's witty opening remarks soon broke the silence.

懦夫宁要专制之下的肃静,不要自由之上的喧嚣。Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the boisterous sea of liberty.

虽然我没有宗教信仰,但在这个庄严肃静的地方我感到了内心的平静。Althoug I am an atheist, I felt the peace and calmness in this holy place.

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接着第一声爆炸响起,肃静瞬间变成一片混乱。Then the first blast went off, and the grim quiet erupted into pandemonium.

在上午较清闲的时段,这条街道会有一种几乎令人顿生敬意的肃静。The street in the softer hours of the morning has an almost reverential quiet.

世界低下眼来看著你的双脚,和它的肃静的众星一同敬畏地站著.The world with eyes bent upon thy feet stands in awe with all its silent stars.

你就像一棵树,特地肃静非常傲岸,从不倚赖从不寻觅!You are like a tree, very silent and very proud, never depending never searching!

我高举双手,示意大家肃静,我建议道,我们今晚到此为止。I hold up my hands for silence, and I suggest, why don't we all just call it a night.

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也只有在这样的场合,演讲人才能掌控整个听众的肃静气氛。In no other situation can one speaker command the silence of an entire group of people.

楷书,其笔画肃静严厉不断沿用至今,被视为规范字体而为世人所喜欢。Kaishu, graceful strokes has been in use ever since, as a standard font for the world love.

本实用新型是一种用于提醒人们保持肃静的声控提示灯。The utility model relates to a sound control indicator lamp for warning people to keep silent.