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打搅一下,杨林。Excuse me Yang Lin.

打搅您一下。May I trouble you a minute?

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打搅了,敬辞这是空桌吗?。Excuse me, is that table vacant?

打搅了,请问衣物存放处在哪?Excuse me,where's the cloakroom?

别打搅我,人家在记笔记呢。Don't bother me, I'm taking notes.

不要打搅他,他在睡觉。Don’t disturb him, he is sleeping.

打搅一下,我在找汤先生。Excuse me. I'm looking for Mr. Town.

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他做什么都打搅不了她们。He could do nothing to disturb them.

打搅一下,我能瞅看菜谱吗?。Excuse me, could Isee the menu, please?

现在请别打搅我,我在忙。Please don’t bother me now. I’m very busy.

你看起来很平静,我不想打搅你。You seem so peaceful, I hate to disturb you.

我们决定最好别去打搅他们。We felt it best not to disturb them any further.

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正在我最忙的时候,他偏要来打搅!Just as I was busiest, he must come bothering me.

钱母希望许飞不要再来打搅多多。Money mother hope xu fei don't bother to mention.

而他显然并不愿我再来打搅。He evidently wished no repetition of my intrusion.

对不起,打搅你了,我的车出了问题。Sorry tob o ther you. I have a problem with my car.

着实抱歉这么晚还打电话打搅您,但是事变告急。Sorry to bother you this late, but it's an emergency.

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他吃饭时,最讨厌别人打搅他。When he is feeding his face the hates being bothered.

这个开发人员在整个sprint中都可以被人打搅。This developer would be disturbed for an entire sprint.

打搅一下,我是中联公司的会计。Excuse me. I'm an accountant from Zhonglian Corporation.