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非典型抗精神病药物的角色Role of Atypical Antipsychotics

大部分精神病患者都是爱妄想的。Most psychopaths are delusional.

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镀金百合将导致精神病。Gilding the lily leads to insanity.

容格并不认为自己有精神病。Jung did not consider himself insane.

精神病专家们很喜欢‘非言语性表征’。Psychiatrists love 'nonverbal clues'.

疯人院现在叫精神病医院。Asylums are now called mental hospitals.

精神病是由于自然或培养?Is psychopathy due to nature or nurture?

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精神病医生正式证明她神经失常。The psychiatrist certified her as insane.

他要求马上求见精神病专家。He asked to speak urgently to psychiatrists.

其他精神病会伴随焦虑症。Other mental illnesses may accompany anxiety.

这个精神病人企图在医院放火。The psychotic attempted to fire the hospital.

需要我唤醒全息精神病学医师吗?Should I call up the holographic psychiatrist?

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这在精神病学上被称作是阴性症状。This is called negative symptom in psychiatry.

“那只会带来精神病,”我说。“It will bring in the nutso business,” I said.

一些精神病人也有慢性骚痒。Some psychiatric patients also get chronic itch.

被洗脑不表示他们有精神病。Brainwashing didn't mean that they are psychotic.

何锦荣到底有没有精神病?He Jinrong in the end there is no mental illness?

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精神病医师正转换到内科。Psychiatrists were switching to internal medicine.

这正是我想象的关于精神病患者的肖像。This would I think be the portrait of a psychopath.

而少数民族仅在重度精神病患者中为预测因子。Minority race was a predictor in the SMI group only.