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什么是可憎的诅咒!What an execrable curse!

凡可憎的物都不可吃。Do not eat any detestable thing.

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在这个方面至少是可憎的。So it is in this respect at least odious.

他们就开始显露可憎的面目。They began to reveal the face of heinous.

为什么可憎的杜鹃孵化在麻雀的巢内?Or hateful cuckoos hatch in sparrows' nests?

许多人觉得瘌蛤蟆和蛇可憎。Toads and snakes are repulsive to many people.

人子阿,你要使耶路撒冷知道她那些可憎的事Son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her abominations

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可憎的东西!邪恶的怪物!你会死在麦布的手下。Abomination! Vile creatures! You will fall before Mab.

于是乎,可爱竟令人感到有些许可憎的悲伤。And , somehow or other , loveliness is infernally sad.

也不要被踩成一堆黏湿可憎的稀泥。Should not be stepped into a pile of sticky wet slurry heinous.

一间装满那些她都负担不起的可憎鞋子的衣帽间?A walk-in closet for all her heinous shoes she can’t even afford?

他的常识本会以可憎和低俗为由予以排斥这一思想的。His common sense would have dismissed that as repulsive and vulgar.

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最可憎的压制总是戴着正义的面具。The most odious of all oppressions are those which mask as justice.

耶和华说,你贪淫和可憎的事,你已经担当了。Thou hast borne thy lewdness and thine abominations, saith the LORD.

但是有翅膀,有四足的爬物,你们都当以为可憎。But all other winged creatures that have four legs you are to detest.

当他们来围攻吉珥哈列设时,米沙做了一件可憎的事。When they came to besiege Kir Haraseth, Mesha did an abominable thing.

转耳不听律法的,他的祈祷也为可憎。If anyone turns a deaf ear to the law, even his prayers are detestable.

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义人憎恶谎言,恶人令人可憎可恶。The upright man hates lying words but the evildoer slanders and defames.

这里的同学讨人嫌,但还不让人可憎---这真让人安慰。The boys here were annoying but not disgusting--which was a great comfort.

艾德-苏马的了望塔攻击敌人的方式独到而可憎。Adad -shuma's watchtowers have their own gruesome ways of attacking the enemy.