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自定义起始页。Custom Start Pages.

为什么起始速度慢?Why the slow start?

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零为起始值。Zero is the initial value.

这座塔起始于1173年。The tower dates back to 1173.

包含起始引导程序文件。Contains boot loader related files.

安科纳现在起始是叛乱地区。Ancona now starts as a rebel region.

他的这个问题起始于孩提时代。His problem began when he was a child.

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第一个原子中心被置于起始位置。The first atom is centered at the origin.

本文讨论的就是这样的6个起始页。This article talks about six such startpages.

维持几秒并慢慢恢复起始位置,避免弓背。Hold and slowly return. Avoid arching your back.

起始值,应更换电池。Starting values, the battery should be replaced.

您可以使用模板文件作为起始点。You can use the template file as starting point.

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所以,我们让它返回起始位置。so, we did get it back to the starting position.

你知道神无起始,也无终了吗?Do you know that God has no beginning and no end?

这一切都起始于渴望——炽热的渴望。It starts with desire. Burning, white-hot desire.

这是两个数据集的起始值。This is the starting value for the two data sets.

约会表单必须有一个起始日期字段。The appointment form must have a start date field.

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在世界坐标,射线的起始点。The starting point of the ray in world coordinates.

所有过程实例都要从起始状态开始。All process instances will start in the start-state.

将空的元素转化成起始-结束标签对。Empty elements are converted to start-end tag pairs.