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抽水抽得不可开交。Pumping that water up to her neck.

我们过去常打得不可开交。We used to fight like cats and dogs.

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别烦我!我真是忙得不可开交。Leave me alone! I really have my hands full.

我们之中的大部分人没有在思考上花费足够的时间,而是因为手头的事情忙的不可开交。Most of us don’t spend enough time thinking.

我正忙得不可开交,他偏要带麻烦的事。Just when I was busiest, he must come worrying.

换了是别的场合,她这么说我会笑得不可开交。I would have laughed in different circumstances.

计划者为回避这个棘手的问题,忙得不可开交。The planners were busy bypassing the Gordian knot.

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她忙的不可开交,把手放在围裙上擦了又擦。She came bustling out, wiping her hands on her apron.

2009年9月最后一个星期,乐施会忙得不可开交。The last week of September 2009 was very busy for Oxfam.

我不希望我们两家吵架吵得不可开交。I don't want to see our two neighbours engaged in a brawl.

我女儿新添婴儿后,忙得不可开交。With the new baby , my daughter really has her hands full.

而你对她的感恩回报,就是说你“现在忙得不可开交”。You thanked her by saying you were “really busy right now”.

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他的儿子们巴耶济德与杰姆为了继承问题闹的不可开交。His succession was disputed between his sons Bayezid and Cem.

我忙得不可开交,所以只把这本书大略看了一下.My hands were full, so I just gave the book a cursory reading.

大伙儿在会上争得不可开交,他却在一旁看热闹.Everyone debated in the meeting hotly while he is just watched it.

实在抱歉,我不能和你会面共进午餐了,这周我忙得不可开交。I'm sorry, I can't meet you for lunch, I'm snowed under this week.

我们不能再接受新订单,因为已经忙得不可开交了。We cannot accept new orders since we have already got our hands full.

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北海亭每逢这一天,总是从一大早就忙得不可开交。Beihai pavilion every day, from early in the morning is always so busy.

在韩国科技研究中心,家用机器人忙得不可开交。Domestic robots keep busy at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology.

她忙的不可开交,打开了电灯,挪动了在沙发周围的垫子。She bustled about, turning on the lights, moving pillows around on the sofa.