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我知道,但在这散兵营,你压根找不着钢琴来合奏。I know, but it's hard to fit a piano in a foxhole.

但是在面对重骑兵和散兵的进攻时,他们却是十分脆弱的。They are vulnerable when attacked by heavy cavalry and skirmish troops.

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有三辆大车被达乌兵团的散兵劫走。Three waggons had been attacked and pillaged by stragglers from Davoust's regiment.

这些令人印象深刻的作战技巧,使得他们成为了对付炮兵及散兵的杀手锏。These impressive collection of skills make them ideal for use against artillery and skirmishers.

通常,这样散兵被选择了根据预先的被证明的狩猎和枪法技能。Generally, such skirmishers were selected on the basis of prior proven hunting and marksmanship skills.

战斗打响,在惯常的散兵战斗后,汉尼拔命令战象发起冲击。So the battle starts and after the usual skirmishing had commenced, Hannibal called for an elephant charge.

几天以前,我们散兵部队来到一座欧洲小镇,那里尚未遭受战争的蹂躏。A few days ago my ragtag group of soldiers journeyed to a small European town that had been untouched by warfare.

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在美国内战期间,共同的规定被使用在美国为同样作用是散兵。During the American Civil War, the common term used in the United States for much the same function was " skirmisher ."

先遣中队在离法国散兵五十码的距离内快步上前,散兵们击溃了骑兵的第一列。The advance squadrons come up at a trot to within fifty yards of the French tirailleurs, who rout the first rank of cavalry.

正是给予他们进攻优势的密集阵型,同样也给他们带来了面对火炮和骚扰性散兵时的脆弱。Their close formation gives them strength when attacking, but leaves them vulnerable to artillery and harassing skirmishers.

轻步兵用以组成散兵队形以迟滞敌军的前进速度,并驱逐敌军轻步兵以防他们骚扰本军阵线。Light infantry forces form a skirmish line to slow the enemy advance and keep their own line unmolested by enemy skirmishers.

公司网络营销之前一直处于散兵作战方式,个别代理人在外面发布房源信息。Skirmisher is in to fight all the time before company network sale means, individual agent releases room source information outside.

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我来试着翻译一下轻步兵用以组成散兵队形以迟滞敌军的前进速度,并驱逐敌军轻步兵以防他们骚扰本军阵线。Elite Light Infantry Light infantry forces form a skirmish line to slow the enemy advance and keep their own line unmolested by enemy skirmishers.

网络文学散兵集结成正规的“集团军”,并力求更成熟的模式、更广泛的范围、更丰富的内容。Collect of network literature skirmisher is formed normal " a group army ", and the content with more mature mode, wider range, richer do one's best.

敌军散兵放弃外围的散兵坑防线之后,在向这些防御工事撤退的过程中,很容易得到小洞穴和裸露岩层的保护。Falling back toward these works, after quitting the outer line of foxholes, enemy skirmishers are apt to seek protection in small caves and behind rock outcroppings.

因为他们以密集阵型战斗,所以在面对敌人远程火炮和散兵的攻击时便会显得脆弱无力。但是方阵使得他们足以应对骑兵的冲击。Because these men fight in close formation, they are vulnerable to long-range attacks by artillery and skirmishers, but they can counter cavalry charges by moving to a square formation.