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这是药品的“适应症外”用途。This is called "off-label" use of a drug.

现在鼓室成形术的适应症已放宽。The indication for tympanoplasty has become broad.

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对颅骨修补的适应症作了讨论。The indications for cranioplasty have been discussed.

文中详细讨论了该术式的适应症及手术要点。The key points and indication of operation are discussed in detail.

窝沟封闭的原理、适应症、步骤及注意事项?Principle , indication , steps and attention of pit and fissure sealant.

本文对LHRH兴奋试验的临床价值及适应症进行了讨论。The clinical indications and roles of LHRH-gtimulating test were discussed.

在严格控制适应症的情况下,无已知禁忌症。Under the strict control of the indications, have no known contraindications.

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总结手术的适应症、禁忌症和治疗方法。Summarize the indications, contraindications and the methods of the treatment.

本文对染料激光治疗黄斑裂孔的适应症及方法进行了讨论。The indication and method of treating macular hole with dve laser were discussed.

FDA扩大生物药品的适应症的决定中体现了明显的趋势。The trend is apparent in the FDA's approval ofexpanded indications for biotech drugs.

某些情况下同一种药以不同名称针对不同适应症在销售。In somecases, the same drug is being marketed under different namesfor different diseases.

目的研讨颌骨骨折后不同治疗方法的适应症及疗效。Objective To observe and search for an adaptative and efficient treatment of jaw fracture.

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胺碘酮的唯一预防性使用适应症是心脏外科手术期间。The only role for prophylactic amiodarone is in the perioperative period of cardiac surgery.

适应症?小腿疲劳、宽扁脚、膝盖痛,轻微膝内翻和膝外翻。Slightly wedged, which is best for foot fatigue, anterior knee pain, bowlegs and knock knees.

2012年,美国食品和药物管理局为各种癌症适应症批准了12种药物。In 2012, the US Food and Drug Administration approved 12 drugs for various cancer indications.

挤压综合征急性期施行筋膜切开术的适应症有待斟酌。Indications for fasciotomy in crush syndrome during the acute phase need further deliberation.

我们在体位训练、麻醉方法、进针角度等方面做了改进,严格地选择手术适应症。We also improved the posture training, anesthesia method, puncture angle and choice of less damage.

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能列举出术中冰冻切片诊断的适应症和局限性。Enumerate the indications and the limitations pertaining to intraoperative frozen section examinations.

结论单肺移植是治疗晚期尘肺的最佳适应症之一。Conclusion late staged pneumonoconiosis is one of the best indication for isolated lung transplantation.

第二次研究则是在250位大学生中寻找抑制解除,冒失和吝啬的适应症。A second study looked for indications of disinhibition, boldness and meanness among 250 college students.