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我能丝丝入扣地在自我当中感受角色之所在。I feel intimately inside myself where the role belongs.

魔术精彩纷呈,古筝丝丝入扣,精彩的表演让孩子们看得如醉如痴。The wonderful magic and Gu Zheng performance fascinated the children.

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舍勒对羞感进行了丝丝入扣的现象学分析。Scheler puts a phenomenological analysis with meticulous care on the sense of shame.

制作景泰蓝的工艺是个环环相连、丝丝入扣的复杂过程。Making Jing Tai Lan is a very complicated process which each step closely connected to the previous one.

然而一看到线索珍妮就愣住了,不少线索都跟她生活中遇到的人和走过的地方吻合得丝丝入扣。Almost immediately, she was struck by the number of clues that matched up with people and places in her life.

米利居然能够把事情处理得在现在非常适当地丝丝入扣实在让人佩服。It was wonderful for Milly how just to put it so made all its pieces fall at present quite properly into places.

我们是相互交错的经纬,被岁月织成锦缎,与虚无的结局丝丝入扣。We are mutually staggered Jingwei, by years of weaving brocade, and nihilistic ending all threads neatly tied up.

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小西园优秀演师将泾河龙王的心情转折诠释得丝丝入扣!The excellent performance by Xiao-Xi-Yan Troup interprets very flawlessly the mood transition of Jing-River Dragon King's!

它的酒色深红,带着馥郁的水果清香,口感饱满,给人一种与众不同却又丝丝入扣的顺滑感受,饮后令人难以忘怀。It's rich crimson colour and intense fruity aroma, and a full flavoured palate that is unique yet smooth, with a memorable aftertaste.

她的五官,披肩的褶皱,佩戴的首饰甚至是发丝都雕刻得丝丝入扣,生动地展现了女神的风貌。The facial features, the pleats of the shawl, the accessories she wears and even the hair are meticulously carved, presenting surprisingly vivid scenes.

本文的研究主要通过文化研究、实例分析、价值哲学三个方面重点论述了多元一体的设计文化与产品设计间丝丝入扣的紧密联系。On the first section, the theory sources as well as formation results and development conditions of the pluralistic integration cultural design have been discussed.

资本主义市场经济的内在本质决定了它和个人主义唇齿相依、丝丝入扣的紧密关系。The inherent essence of capitalist market economy has determined as dependent on each other as lips and teeth, close relation intricately woven together between it and individualism.

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缪佳欣具备深厚的摄影的技术功底,虽是夜间摄影作品而细部仍丝丝入扣,艺术家对光线,暗部细节,照片颗粒等的处理细致入微。Miao Jiaxin has proficient photographic techniques. Although the pictures were taken at night, we can still see the details clearly. He gives the utmost attention to light, dark details and grains.