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计划泡汤了。The plan was scuppered.

我们的扩张计划泡汤了。Our plans to expand weren't realized.

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下雨使我们野餐的计划泡汤了。The rain fucked up our plans to go on a picnic.

跟多数报道所报的不同,这项交易还没有彻底泡汤。Contrary to most reports, the deal is not yet dead.

我的计划泡汤了,原因是我生病了!My plan has malingered, the reason was I falls ill!

经过一连串充满敌意的争吵,交易泡汤了。The deal ended after a series of rancorous disputes.

但是联邦预算的削减将有可能使工作泡汤。But federal budget cuts threaten to zero out the work.

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如果他们得不到推选,那么丹瑞的重大计划就会泡汤。If they are not elected, Than Shwe grand plan is over.

雨一连下了两星期,我们的假期这下彻底泡汤了。It rained for two weeks, completely ruining our holidays.

向南和丁原为此打了贾总,投资计划彻底泡汤。South and rioux played jia always, investment plan is out.

因此,我们的计划因为坏天气泡汤了。Therefore, our plan was an impossible due to the bad weather.

她将勃然大怒,极度抓狂,你的晚上也将泡汤。She will explode, she will freak out, your evening is ruined.

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连续下了十天的雨,我们的度假彻底泡汤了。It rained non-stop for ten days, completely ruining our holiday.

若在洗澡房里泡久了,可能你们的关系也泡汤了。A long soak in the bath would probably finish off your relationship.

这场大雨显然使今天下午的野餐泡汤了。The heavy rain speak of the impossibility of the picnic this afternoon.

办公室出了问题,鲍伯的假期泡汤了。Bob's vacation plans went up in smoke when a crisis arose in the office.

如果美国公司不能再把工作外包给中国,一些CEO的奖金就泡汤了。If the US corps can't outsource to China, the CEO's bonuses will dry up.

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这不难想象如此的不稳定会使整个宇宙任务泡汤。It’s not hard to imagine how such instability could sink a space mission.

我甚至不知道他知道我的名字!-哦,当然。他叫你“腌泡汤炖兔肉”。I didn't even know he knew my name! -Oh, sure. He called you Hasenpfeffer.

一只日本猕猴在日本某处山间温泉里泡汤。Japanese macaque swims in a geothermal hot spring in the mountains of Japan.