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门外有人拨弄一个木牌,通知。Someone fiddled with a plate, a poster.

首先,在平坦的场地上树起四根绘有蕨叶纹的木牌柱。First, they erect four wooden pillars painted with fern leaf veins.

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制作一个迷你牌牌并用羽毛笔在上面画上木牌附近的物品吧。Craft Mini Signs and draw an image of a nearby object on them using a Feather Pencil.

如果是户外婚礼,可以购买或制作指示木牌,用油漆画好箭头。If it is outdoor wedding, can be purchased or produced indicating board, paint good arrow.

为了做到这一点,通往这些景点的线路已经被标记了,并且木牌也已安装。In order to do so, routes through the landscaped are being marked and boardwalks are being installed.

挂了三个月的木牌被人摘下,小厮兴奋异常,老板连连摇头,连忙跑开。Hang three months of wooden was picked, the boy excited, the boss shook his head, he quickly ran away.

两排整齐树立的木牌存放其中,上面一一记录着林则徐一生中所任官衔和职务。They're used to shelter two rows of wooden boards bearing Lin's ranks and posts held in his lifelong career.

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第二天,邻居王二看到木牌,知道下面一定有银子,于是把银子偷走了。The next day, his neighbor, Wang-Er saw the note. He thought that there must be silver here. Then he stole it.

一天,法国一个著名诗人经过这里,他看了看木牌,问道,老人家,上午有人给您钱吗?One day, a French poet through here, he looked at the board, asked the elderly, morning, people give you money?

第二天,邻居王二看到木牌,知道下面一定有银子,于是把银子偷走了。Thee next day, his neighbor, Wang-Er saw the note. He thought that there must be silver here. Then he stole it.

墙上有一块大木牌,上面用蓝色的字体书写着黉舍的名字,黉舍建于1908年,可是只开放了数年,1913年就封锁了。There was a big wooden sign with blue letters that said the name of the school when it was built in 1908, but it was only open a few years.

墙上有一块大木牌,上面用蓝色的字体书写着学校的名字,学校建于1908年,但是只开放了数年,1913年就关闭了。There was a big wooden sign with blue letters that said the name of the school when it was built in 1908, but it was only open a few years. It closed down in 1913.