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严禁烟火。No smoke, no fire.

孩子们的烟火发出火花。The children's fireworks sparkled.

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原来人间只有烟火。The original world only fireworks.

今年,爱尔兰的天空没有烟火。This year there were no fireworks.

红色跟着回家,人间烟火。Red back home, light fire make life.

施工现场严禁烟火。The scene strictly forbids fireworks.

一种可以利用烟火发射出金属的武器。One the breathes firer and spits metal.

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骚乱者还向警局发射烟火。Rioters also aimed fireworks at police.

四处都可以看见烟火。Fire-works could be seen in all directions.

他们收到的钱都花在烟火要在“篝火之夜”。At night, we had bonfire and sang and danced.

烟火散开像一片五彩缤纷的瀑布。The firework went off in a cascade of colour.

严禁烟火!Smoking and lighting fires strictly forbidden.

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我们听到烟火的劈劈啪啪声响遍了整个村庄。We heard fireworks crack all over the village.

流于空乏的烟火一点意思都没有。Empty fireworks in the sky don't mean anything.

公司厂区范围内,严禁烟火,禁止吸烟。No smoking and lightening fires in the company.

今天晚上观看了“伊丹烟火大会”。I watched "The Itami fireworks display" tonight.

流星雨烟火,路灯柱剪影!Starfall fireworks, silhouettes of lampstandard!

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你许我三世烟火,如今只剩一世迷离。You make me three fireworks, now only a blurred.

一个男孩在美国独立纪念日上玩烟火。A boy plays with a sparkler on the Fourth of July.

烟火照亮了天空,照不清众人内心的表情。Fireworks lit up the sky, as the inner expression.