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自己说的话,怎么不认账?。How can you go back upon your word?

错了就要认账。If you're wrong, you should admit it.

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莫斯科耍了我们一票,撤军的事不认账了。Moscow has pulled a fast one on us by breaking its word on troop withdrawals.

三是管理不到位、内业资料整理不规范者不验收、不认账。Third, management in place, within the industry for which data are non-standard non-acceptance, Buren Zhang.

如果雪佛龙“认账”,这将是迄今为止结案金额最高的环境污染诉讼案。If Chevron "Ren Zhang", which will be the closing date, the maximum amount of environmental pollution lawsuit.

梅显祖死皮赖脸的不认账,还说肯定是马司令的手下认错人了。The MeiXianZu repeatedly not to recognize, also said that must be under the hand of the horse commander wrong person.

在迷宫里不停的来回张望,思索,认账,犹如人生十字路口的彷徨失措。Stopping to look around, ponder and verify within the maze is akin to the helplessness one feels at the crossroads of life.

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IPCC第四期总体报告中的科学清楚的表明,我们已没有一点拖延和不认账的余地了。As the science in the IPCC Fourth Assessment report clearly demonstrates, there is no leeway for delay or denial any longer.

书中还声称43岁的布吕尼虽不认账,但她接受过多次整形手术,20年间与巴黎的一位外科医生一直保持着联系。It also alleges that Bruni, 43, has had extensive plastic surgery despite denials, and had a 20-year relationship with a Paris surgeon.

正当他在法庭上死不认账的时候,这些话却让陪审员看到了,他只能是落了个入狱4年的下场。When those words were shown to the jury during his trial, in which he had pleaded not guilty to rape, he was found guilty and sentenced to four years in prison.

老宛再次登门寻求赔付,可鱼药公司老板却翻脸不认账,拒绝商议。Old Wan went to seek compensation from fish pharmaceutical company once again, but the boss fell out with him, didn't admit their responsibility and refused to negotiate.