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工地入口,请慢行。Slow down.Site entrance.

你有互联网入口吗?Do you have Internet-access?

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只有一个入口吗?Do we have only one entrance?

固定出口和入口狭缝。Fixed entrance and exit slit.

我们从入口进去了。We turned in at the entrance.

这是一张荣军院入口的照片。The entrance to Les Invalides.

插入口咽导气管。B. Insert oropharyngeal airway.

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这是单号座位入口。The entrance is for odd numbers.

我们将在入口见到他们。We'll meet them at the entrance.

这是金街路线的入口。It's the King Street Line entrance.

那另外两个入口呢?What about the other two entrances?

反抗军把Tiji称为“入口之城”。The rebels call Tiji a gateway city.

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给人们幕后入口。Give people behind-the-scenes access.

这温泉蛋简直入口即化。The hotspring egg melts in the mouth.

塔纳湖上,青尼罗河的入口。The estuary of blue Nile on lake Tana.

没盐的汤怎能入口?All soup would be tasteless without it!

这巧克力蛋糕入口即化。The chocolate cake melts in your mouth.

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入口就在人行道边上。The entrance is just off the side-walk.

你应该给这部分增加一个入口。You should add an entry to this section.

指向被映射函数入口点的指针Pointer to the mapped function entry point