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页岩层在煤层下面。Shale underlies the coal.

煤层和铁矿混杂在一起。Coal seams intermixed with iron ore.

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这个煤层处于一层黏土岩之上。This seam of coal reposes on a layer of clay.

煤层为高瓦斯、松软、易燃厚煤层。The coal layout is high gas , soft and flammability.

对于煤层内夹石厚度比较大的情况,建议不采用放顶煤开采。Rock in coal seam, suggest casting away sub-level caving.

煤层气开发生产中,对煤层进行压裂改造是一个关键环节。Coal-bed fracturing is a key link in coal-bed gas production.

莫109井区位于莫北油气田的南部,地层造浆、缩径严重,煤层极易坍塌、漏失。Well Mo-109 is located in the south of Mobei oilfield in Xinjiang.

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峰峰矿区是华北大水矿区,水害严重威胁着下组煤层的开采。Fengfeng coal mine is a large groundwater flow mine in North China.

井下煤层自燃严重危害着安全生产。The spontaneous combustion of coal seam endangers the safe production.

对新集二矿推覆体下煤层构造规律进行了初步研究。Preliminary research on structural law of coal bed beneath nappe in No.

煤层颗粒疏松、岩心成柱性差,给取心工作带来了极大困难。Coring operation in coal seams is very difficult as they are very loose.

地洼的形成与发展对中,古生代煤层赋存、变质关系密切。Graphite deposit of Heye was formed by metamorphism of the Permian coal bed.

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适合于煤矿各巷道煤层瓦斯抽放钻孔的施工。It is suitable to construct coal-layer gas pumping boreholes in each laneway.

面板底部都安装和上涨到龙骨以及沿中心线煤层。Both bottom panels fitted and tacked to keel as well as along centreline seam.

该井最初采用一立一斜的开发方式,开采5号煤层。The well initially adopts a vertical inclined development, mining 5 coal seam.

本文讨论了有关煤层气体的若干热力学理论问题。This paper deals with problems about thermo-dynamic theory of coal-seam gases.

试井测试是目前能够准确获取煤层参数的有效方法。The well-test is an effective way to accurately obtain coal-reservoir parameters.

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煤层含气量及煤层可采性是决定煤层气能否成藏的重要条件。The geological controls on content and producibility of coal seam gas are studied.

采矿工业中用于截断煤层和打碎矿石。Used for truncating coal bed and breaking soft ore into pieces in mineral industry.

煤层水采工艺评价为模糊综合评价。Hydromining process evaluation is a kind of comprehensive fuzzy evaluation in nature.