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当然是申雪和赵宏博了,他们之间的配合简直是太默契了。Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo, of course. They skate in perfect unison.

而申雪和赵宏博,在跳接时却没有遇上同样的困难。Shen and Zhao, though, did not have the same difficulty finding each other.

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申雪和越宏博试作的和一个四周抛跳完美无瑕。The first throw quad salchow Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo attempted was flawless.

申雪和赵宏博说,他们在日常训练中不断地在这方面进行改进。But Shen and Zhao said they have been trying to improve that part of their routines.

申雪/赵宏博最后一个参加自由滑的比赛,他们只要拿到136.66分就可以拿到冠军,这一分数要低于他们这一赛季的最好成绩。Shen and Zhao, were last to compete and needing to score 136.66 to seal victory, a score below their season's best.

赵宏博和申雪从1992年开始配对合作,在朝夕相处的训练和走遍全球的比赛中坠入爱河。Zhao and Shen have been skating together since 1992, and fell in love between practices and competitions around the world.

申雪和赵宏博,去年退役,今年再次向奥林匹克金牌发起冲锋,终于在星期一如愿以偿。Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo, who came out of retirement last year to try for an Olympic gold medal, finally got their wish Monday.

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至于结婚礼金,申雪赵宏博取消了签到送红包环节,说这场盛大的婚礼已经让他们受宠若惊。As for gifts, Zhao and Shen have skipped the bridal registries, saying they already have their hands full with their massive wedding.

2010年9月4日,中国首对奥运会花样滑冰冠军申雪、赵宏博在首都体育馆举行了一场“冰上婚典”。China`s first Olympic champion figure skaters Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo held an on-ice ceremony in the Capital Gymnasium on Sept 4, 2010.

申雪/赵宏博已经在2002年盐湖城冬奥会和2006年都灵冬奥会中中获得过第三名,之后离开赛场了2年。Shen and Zhao had settled for third in both Salt Lake City in 2002 and Torino in 2006 and had quit the sport for two years before this triumphant return.

其它和申雪赵宏博一起表演的还有02冬奥会冠军来自俄罗斯的阿列克谢?亚古丁以及两届世锦赛金牌得主加拿大选手兰比尔。The men's 2002 Olympic champion Alexei Yagudin of Russia and two-time World Champion Stephane Lambiel of Canada will also hit the ice with Zhao and Shen.

因为长时间的缺席比赛,申雪/赵宏博是所有组合中积分最低的选手,但是短节目比赛之后他们以0.7分的优势暂时名列第一。They had been the lowest ranked team in the competition because of the lengthy absence from the ice and held a lead of only 0.7 points after Sunday's short programme.

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在2007年世锦赛长节目表演结束之后,赵宏博做了一件很特别的事情,给了大家一个惊喜——他向搭档了十五年的申雪求婚了。After finishing their long program in 2007 World Championship, Hongbo Zhao did something special that surprised all people --- Proposal to his 15-year partner Xue Shen.