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当然,现在曲尺是数学的公式。Nowadays, of course, splines are mathematical formulas.

海军曲尺手枪-唯一一套两个匹配的左轮手枪,在收集。Colt Navy Revolvers—the only set of two matching revolvers in the collection.

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同样,一些形式的曲尺有奇异点,在这里曲线转向无穷远。Also, some forms of splines have singularities where the curve veers off into infinity.

在一些曲尺中,曲线不经过定义曲线的任何点。In some splines , the curve does not pass through any of the points that define the curve.

1886年这个由工厂工人组成的球队曾用名“表盘曲尺”。The Club began as a team of factory workers in the 'arsenal' in 1886 under the temporary name of 'Dial Square'.

单词“曲尺”曾经指的是惯于在一张纸上绘制曲线的一片柔软的木头,橡胶或金属。The word "spline" once referred to a piece of flexible wood, rubber, or metal used to draw curves on a piece of paper.

然后你将曲尺锚定在这些点上并用铅笔沿着曲尺绕着这些点的方向绘制这条曲线。You'd then anchor a spline to the points and use a pencil to draw the curve along the spline as it bent around the points.

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池水的表面形状如同一个狭窄曲尺,而主景集中在北部。The surface of the water is shaped like a narrow carpenter's square. The main sceneries are concentrated at the northern part.

那栋一面临直壁街一面临比克布斯小街的大楼房在朝园子的一面,有两个交成曲尺形的正面。The large building of the Rue Droit-Mur, which had a wing on the Rue Petit-Picpus, turned two facades, at right angles, towards this garden.

西园水池呈曲尺形,和中区大池相接,该部分台馆分峙精致奢丽,回廊起伏别有情趣。West Park The pool was curved-shaped, and the central area of large pool phase, the part of the sub-Zhi Li exquisite luxury, corridor ups and downs do not have fun.