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请使用适当的区段。Please use the appropriate section.

六处理方式及其区段划分。Management methods and the block division.

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新的条目将显示在博客区段中。The new entry displays in the blog section.

用这种分割方法可以获得每个区段的长度。This division yields the length of each segment.

原程序是按自由区段格式书写的。The source program is written in a free field format.

他们真实地是在城镇中最好的旋律区段之一。They are truly one of the best rhythm sections in town.

不建议在多重区段的光碟中加入新的档案。Appending new files to a multisession disc is not advised.

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这指出了销售表包含三个区段。This indicates that the sales table contains three extents.

手写体在粒子的创造区段中被取消!The script is recalled in the Creation section of particles!

这些是16位元的区段位址空间定址的微处理器。These are 16 bit microprocessors with a segmented address space.

交换器B和交换器A是在同一个区段,同时也会传送广播讯框到每个埠。Switch B is on the same segment and also forwards all broadcasts.

第一个区段包括设置业务上下文的结构。The first section includes constructs to set the business context.

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本页将讨论回覆和区段的序号。This page will discuss acknowledgments and the sequence of segments.

列车无论在任何区段上机车信号连续显示等优点。Continuous display of cab signals are put on wherever the train goes.

在碎片整理程序运行时增加的区段将不会被清除。Extents added while the defragmenter is running will not be eliminated.

以重组鞭毛蛋白的特异性区段作为诊断抗原具有可行性。It showed the feasibility of recombinant protein as a diagnostic antigen.

下一个,在钻石的背面-正确的边移到对角线的区段。Next, move to the diagonal section at the back-right side of the diamond.

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区段加权乱数自我测试的电路非常小,而且不会随著待测电路变大而有大幅度的增加。The SWR- BIST circuitry is very small and it grows slowly with the CUT size.

为了取得这一磁盘并行性,选择合适的区段大小就十分关键。To achieve this disk parallelism, selection of the proper extentsize is key.

支撑一药球在你的中部-区段之前以两只手的坚定紧握。Hold a medicine ball in front of your mid-section with a firm grip by both hands.