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他讨厌被当作人妖看待。He hates to be seen as a she-man.

他是来自泰国的人妖。He is the man beauty from Thiland.

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整间酒吧里都是人妖!The whole bar was full of ladyboys!

我喜欢东南亚的人妖!I love the southeast Asian shemales!

欣赏世界闻名的人妖歌舞表演。Enjoy the world's famous Alcazar Show.

我甚至没有意识到他们是人妖。I didn't even realise they were transvestites.

奇玛隆被视为野兽,食人妖欢呼吧。Chimaeron is classified as a beast. Trolls rejoice.

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做妖其实和做人一样,要有仁慈的心,有了仁慈的心,就不再是妖,是人妖来自大话西游…Being a devil is the same as being a human. We should be kind.

所以说做妖就像做人一样,要有仁慈的心,有了仁慈的心,就不再是妖,是人妖.Being a devil is the same as being a human. We should be kind.

一场惊天动地的人妖之恋,道尽了三界的儿女情长。An earthshaking genie narcissists, word of all three ErNvQingChang.

亚瑟王传说中的梅林和莎士比亚笔下的卡利班就是两个著名的扮人妖。Merlin of Arthurian legend and Shakepseare’s Caliban are two famous cambions.

南宋期间,民生苟安,市集人妖难分。The Southern Song Dynasty period, people's livelihood of the market is simon.

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人妖赞赏躬亲在对话当中还有敏捷的观察力。CoolHorn compliments that his senses are great even in mist of a conversation.

在每年一度的泰国人妖评选中,每年都会有让人惊喜的结果产生。Thailand at the annual Simon Award, every year the results have surprised people.

他机智地驯服食人妖,与精灵结为朋友,并且与王子陷入爱河。His wit to tame trolls, and elves became friends, and fall in love with the prince.

我们总是一整天在玩角色扮演,假装我们对抗食人妖、鱼人或是那些女生。We would spend all day pretending to fight the trolls, or the murlocs, or the girls.

他迅速闪到人要后背但是人妖挡住了攻击。He immediately rushes behind Coolhorn's back but Coolhorn manages to block an attack.

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有时男淫妖能使妇女怀孕,生下来的后代被称为半人妖。Incubi sometimes impregnate their female victims, and the resultant offspring is called a cambion.

我忧郁烦闷,怅然失意,我困顿潦倒在这人妖颠倒的时期!I am depressed bored, frustrated sense of loss, I frustrations down and reverse time in this Shemale!

泰国日前规定,禁止医院和诊所进行"人妖"手术。Hospitals and clinics in Thailand have been banned from performing castrations for non-medical reasons.