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托马斯已习惯于旁人的言语中伤。Mr Thomas is used to brickbats.

他们是否看到旁人在他们玩耍时关切的眼神所传达的力量Do they see strength in caring eyes

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当这些人失败的时候,那些看热闹的旁人会感到高兴。When they fail, bystanders rejoice.

罼从旁人的愚行中学到聪明。Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

你的腰不弯,旁人就不克不及骑在你的违上。B man can't ride your back unless it is bent.

您这个人,不和旁人一样,马德兰爷爷。You are not like other men, Father Madeleine.

她们说我没有办法再对于旁人弹词说唱了。They said Ican't rap about bein?broke no more.

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最不信托旁人的人最不该该获患上信托。he who mistrusts most should be trusted least.

因为我们各有所长。你的烹饪方式可能不同于旁人。because we're different. You may cook different.

最高的圣德便是为旁人着想。The highest SAN DE is in the interests of others.

他用旁人的韦“赞”来衡量他的自我价值。He measures his self-worth by other people's likes.

旁人能用英语对答如流,打从心底非常羡慕。Others can use fluent, playing from the heart envy.

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接着他说,“可是他们并不比旁人更结实。”Yet he adds, "They are not hardier than other people."

在你面前,我不能颂扬旁人。I would never-never-praise anyone else with you around.

我说的旁人自然就是指相貌堂堂的韦翰了。I said others naturally means the appearance of Matthew.

旁人不明就里的无心插柳,让两人又有了一次亲密接触的机会。Others dont, let two people have a time intimate contact.

一切的问题实在不须旁人,不须什么贤哲来帮助我们去争取。We don't need other people or sage to help us to gain it.

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约瑟要把马利亚娶过来,是要承受旁人的搬口弄舌。With Mary, he risked the wagging tongues of his community.

旁人会感到他没被世俗污染。One felt that he had kept himself unspotted from the world.

在旁人的朋友面前说一些瞧不起他的话。Speaking disparagingly of people in front of their friends.