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这款车是在促销吗?。Is this car on sale?

没有促销代码需要。No promo code needed.

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搜索促销资料。Look for promotional materials.

现在是国际促销代码。Now promo codes are international.

全码扑克,促销中。The entire code poker, promotions.

现在展览场里有什么促销活动?Any promotions at the exhibition now?

你的工作是促销这一新产品.Your job is to promote the new product.

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你将如何参与到它的促销活动中呢?How involved will you be in its promotion?

还有你提到的,商店的促销。and you mentioned, the sales at the shops.

礼品化妆镜,促销化妆镜,广告化妆镜。Gift of Color, promotion of Color, Color Ad.

邀请慈善机构,以促销这些产品。Invite the charity to promote these products.

现场广告促销从波兰机构。Promo site for Advertising agency from Poland.

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在节日期间,你最少可以每隔2星期发送一次Email促销信,还可以考虑为消费者提供一定奖励或礼券。Consider offering customer rewards or gift cards.

商家的促销行为本身无可厚非。Business's promotion behavior itself undisputable.

在华兴大促销活动中来买你的衣服吧。Come and buy your clothes at Huaxing's great sale.

量大从优的促销误导是零售商喜欢使用的伎俩。Misleading bulk sales are another retail favorite.

附赠式有奖销售是一种促销活动。Premium sales is a kind of promotional activities.

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促销礼品,广告品,赠品,礼物。Promotional gifts, advertising goods, gifts, gifts.

激光器的持续促销活动没有完成。The laser promotion campaign with no follow-through.

这是东京浩宇这家玩具制造商的促销花招。This is a marketing ploy by Tokyo toy maker Takara Co.