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屋里热烘烘的。It's very warm in the room.

许多狗在热烘烘的汽车里给闷死了.Many dogs have suffocated in hot cars.

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在此热烘烘的房间内,把你的毛线衣脱掉。Take your sweater off in this warm room.

他感到火把他的脸烤得热烘烘的。He felt the heat of the fire on his face.

他闻得见那气味,很强烈,热烘烘腥臭腥臭的。He could smell it, strong and hot and rank.

隔着宝马前面灰色的玻璃,我的手、脸、发梢都热烘烘的。Across the BMW front gray glass, my hand, face, hair is hot.

滑了5里路后,什么也比不上一杯热烘烘可口的巧克力。Nothing tastes quite like good hot chocolate after a 5-mile ski.

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太阳使街道一直处于热烘烘的状态。The sun caused the street to be in a constant state of calefaction.

他再一次感到对方的一股热烘烘的气息冲到了他的手上和脸上。Once more he felt the warm breath of the Thing on his hand and face.

这样我就能够慢慢的煮咖啡,然后慢悠悠的品尝着热烘烘的它。I make my coffee slowly. I drink my coffee slowly, while it’s still hot.

滑了5里路后,什么也比不上一杯热烘烘可口的巧克力。Status Offline Nothing tastes quite like good hot chocolate after a 5-mile ski.

云翳蔽空,日色朦胧,经丛林这么一反射,又阴又湿的空气就给烤得热烘烘的。The sun obscured by overcast, refracted from the jungle and heated the moist dark air.

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随着时间的推进,你会变得非常擅长辨别和冷却那些热烘烘的无意识思想。With time you will get very good at recognizing and cooling those hot automatic thoughts.

我不知不觉地站到了壁炉前,拢着两手在一堆热烘烘的煤火上烤着。I found myself standing before a fireplace, warming my hands over a mound of glowing coals.

这是典型的俄罗斯罗宋汤,是冬天最佳的汤品,喝了会全身热烘烘的。This is typical Russian borscht, and it's the best dish in winter. It makes me warm inside.

她并未在热烘烘的火炉前劳累几个小时!如果我没看错的话,那蛋糕是从商店里买来的。She hadn't spent hours slaving over a hot stove! That was shop-bought cake if ever I saw one.

但女性从热烘烘的、闭眼运转的乡土生活中抬起了头,望向那喧嚣的世界。But the women looked out from the heated, blind intercourse of farm-life, to the spoken world beyond.

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“清明”节后的太阳已经很有力量,老通宝背脊上热烘烘地,像背着一盆火。Festival" the April sun was already very strong. It scorched Old Tong Bao' s spine like a basin of fire."

如果我们把城市里的高楼大厦的热烘烘的房顶都改种草木改建成花园,那会怎样?But what if we could replace the hot roof of each skyscraper or building in a city with grass or a garden?

弄不好,人与桶摔出去,汗水、泪水和水一起洒在热烘烘的土地上。Calling such people threw out with the barrel, sweat, tears, and water sprinkled on like an oven with the land.