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我浑身上下都是耳朵。I am all ears.

上下颠倒了。It's upside down.

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我上下打量着他。I looked him over.

上下楼梯靠右边走。Walk on the right.

上下楼梯靠右走。Walk by the right side.

“上下颠倒”排第三。“Upside-downy” is third.

他从断头台上下来时,他的目光里有种东西使众人肃然退立。The scaffold is a vision.

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那张图画上下颠倒。The picture is upside down.

为什么不把它上下颠倒呢?Why not turn it upside down?

使山谷上下为之喜悦?Making all the vales rejoice?

汇率的上下波动很正常。Exchange rates go up and down.

他还在橄榄球赛上下注。He also bet on football games.

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使山谷上下为之喜悦?。Making gall the vales rejoice?

晚来风定钓丝闲,上下是新月。Do you think fish, on the moon.

球在地板上上下跳动。The ball bobbled on the ground.

猪浑身上下都是宝。Every part of the pig is useful.

她浑身上下每一个细胞都充满着活力。Every cell of her body was alive.

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他已疲惫不堪,浑身上下全已湿透。He was tired out and wet through.

如果有必要的话,你还可以上下跳动。Jump up and down if you need too.

一个多么上下颠倒的星球阿?!What an upside down planet, huh?!