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这个“里屋”是一个非常私密的地方。The inside room was a very private place.

她在抽斗里屋或者发明一些旧相片。she came across some old photographs in a drawer.

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能听见从里屋传来一阵咳嗽声。A fit of coughing could be heard from the inner room.

他从里屋领出一个非常老成的年轻人。From the back room he brought an immensely old young man.

“柱,爷爷今天不会来了。”妈妈在里屋叫他。Zhu, grandpa maybe cannot come today. mother called him in the house.

“4份粑粑啊!等十分钟!”孙姐说着,就进了里屋。"4 Bas Ba! Etc. is ten minutes! "Sun Jie says, entered an inside house.

我们从里屋出来的时候,男朋友突然回来了。My boyfriend unexpectedly came home as we were emerging from the bedroom.

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她的大脑如同被划分出两个地方——“里屋”和“外屋”。With her it was like there was two places—the inside room and the outside room.

芭丽找房子时被骗,瓦利阿将三姐妹带到里屋居住。Barriss deceived when looking for a house, o wali three sisters to live indoors.

从廊道游者可以穿过雕花大理石屏风直接看到里屋。From this corridor the visitor looks through carved marble screens to a central room.

星期二早上,我突然有了打扫里屋的冲动,之后我就行动了,并且在星期四打扫完毕。When motivation struck on a Tuesday morning, I took hold of it, and I finished by Thursday.

店员打好定货单,抬起头来看了我一眼,然后消失在里屋。When he finished, the clerk looked up, glanced at me and then disappeared into the back room.

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她可以站在人满为患的房子中间,却依然感觉到自己独自关在“里屋”中。She could be in the middle of a house full of people and still feel like she was locked up by herself.

庞先生走进了里屋,然后库马思听到盒子的声音接着家具被挪开了。Persky went to the back room, and Kugelmass heard the sounds of boxes and furniture being moved around.

受到惊吓的洛西克夫,回到里屋,给当地的居民团体发了一封电子邮件,就刚才发生的事情向他们发出警告。Shaken, he went back indoors and sent an email to his local residents' group to warn them about what had happened.

与此同时,两个女孩子把大妈搀到了里屋的床上,拿出准备好的皮尺为大妈度量起脚长来。At the same time, the two girls inside Aunt mix to the bed, and show for the past, for good tape measure to a long shot.

他一下子从我的笔下取走了申请单,飞快地送到了里屋,我猜想他们正在里面联络信用认证机构。He whisked the paper out from under my pen and sped to the back room, where I presume the credit bureau was being contacted.

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“伊芙,”他念出了声。他和管理人员说需要休息一下,之后便拉着她进了里屋。"Eve, " he repeated, trying it out on his tongue. He told the manager he was taking a break and pulled her into a back room.

如果要我从收拾里屋这件事上学到什么的话,那就是我不必一直等到整个周末都有空的时候来整理它。If I learned one thing from this back room project, it’s that I didn’t need to wait until I could devote an entire weekend to it.

当电话铃响的时候,宿管把厚纸板放在身后的水泥台阶上,进到里屋去接电话。When the telephone rang the house parent laid the large cardboard paper down on the back cement step and went inside to answer the phone.