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他把坐着的转椅转过来面向着我们。He swivelled in his chair to face us.

你愿意去玩茶杯转椅吗?Would you like to go on the teacups ?

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她回到桌子后面的转椅上。She returned to the swivel chair behind her desk.

弗洛拉把那只笨重的转椅扶起来。Flora restored the heavy swivel chair to its upright position.

室内的办公桌、沙发、转椅等都是原物。The desk, sofa and swivel chair etc. are all the original things.

有一个可兑换沙发和一个单一的转椅,就是这样。There is a convertible sofa and a single swivel chair, and that's it.

有的造有扶手,有的有四条腿,有的是转椅,有的可以前后摇动。Some have arms, some have four legs, some swivel, some rock and so forth.

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他向后靠在了自己的转椅上,突然变得垂头丧气。He leans back in his swivel chair with a sudden defeated look on his face.

他躺回到转椅上,夕阳荡漾在他的脸上。He lounged back in his swivel chair and the setting sun played on his face.

为电脑转椅加装电动旋转装置,让它无间不停的转下去。Add a power-driven device to an office chair and let it spin around continuously.

主要用于扪皮工艺,如真皮沙发、转椅、餐台椅等。Mainly used for palpable Paper crafts, such as leather sofa, chair, table chairs.

当我坐在掉了一个轱辘的黑色转椅上,双脚会情不自禁地往机箱上搭。Sitting on a black crippled chair, I can't help putting my feet on the computer case.

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主要用于扪皮工艺,如真皮沙发、布艺沙发、转椅、餐台椅等。Mainly used for palpable Paper crafts, such as leather sofa, fabric sofa, chair, table chairs.

假如你要执行多项任务,那么L型的桌子和转椅就最适合你了。If you perform a number of tasks, an L-shaped desk or table works best, as well as swivel chair.

于是,走进街道拐角处的一家酒吧,坐在一双转椅上,喝着饮料。We walked to a corner malt shops at down on a couple of swiveling stools while we enjoyed our drinks.

亚当斯站在转椅背后紧握着靠背,大拇指都深深地摁进了织物里面。Adams gripped the back of his swivel chair as he stood behind it, pressing his thumbs into the fabric.

我们走到拐角处的酒铺,坐在一对转椅上,喝着饮料。We walked to a corner maltshop and sat down on a couple of swiveling stools while we enjoyed our drinks.

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于是,我们走进街道拐角处的一家酒吧,坐在一双转椅上,喝着饮料。We walked to a corner malt shop and sat down on a couple of swiveling stools while we enjoyed our drinks.

佩妮之前一直在转椅上荡来荡去,这时走过来,一脸不高兴的样子。Just then Petunia, who had been swinging herself back and forth on the roundabout, came up to them scowling.

椅子一般用藤椅、折叠椅的为多,也有用小转椅,活动椅的。The chair uses cany chair, fold chair commonly for many, useful also small revolving chair, of mobile chair.