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这些石头开始变软,呈现形状,渐渐地带上了略似于人的状貌。The stones began to grow soft and to assume shape.

测试膜片上不同点的厚度,可以得到物体表面微观状貌。Testing different points of the film, the surface roughness should get.

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天空中的状貌经常被描绘为生物,比如龙,狮子或蝎子。Often the appearances from the sky are described as creatures, such as a dragon or lion or scorpion.

应用火鹰时,一个最关键的伎俩即是让它们很久坚决停火状貌。With the Firehawk, a key technique to remember is ALWAYS use the hold fire stance with your Firehawks.

而且无线上网技术还让我们不妨在任何地址使用笔记本电脑──床上、地板上──状貌也不妨千奇百怪。And WiFi connections let us use laptops anywhere--in bed, on the floor--in all kinds of contorted positions.

可户可依据板材的长度、后度、筋的状貌深浅购买机器型号或者订造。But door but the width according to plank, hind degree, the appearance depth choose and buy of muscle type or order go to.

不要把火鹰A昔日,也许将它们设为攻打状貌,这意味着你把火鹰交给了AI压制。You never want to attack move, or set Firehawks to aggressive, because this means the AI is the one controlling your Firehawks.

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科幻文学是一种特殊的文学体裁,它以描写科技发展对世界的影响为主要内容,表现未来世界的状貌以及科技对人类生活的改变等。Science fiction is a kind of special literature which depicts the effect to the world by science and it to the human beings' life.

这一部分,还描述了全球化语境中我国大陆影视领域的转型状貌。This part, has also described the transition appearance of the continent movie & TV domain of our country in the globalization linguistic context.

汉语表示动态事件进程的语义范畴包含着“断、续、连”等几个主要的进程状貌。The semantic meaning category in Chinese that used to describe the of dynamic event contains several main states such as break, continuous and coherence.

羯胡的语言、风俗及状貌与康居等西域胡相同,西域胡在后赵羯胡之中所占的比例是很可信的。The language, custom and appearance of the Jie-Hu is the same as the West-Ru like Kangju people. It is believed that the ratio of the West-Hu was large in the Jie-Hus of Late Zhao.

状貌词是以音直接表义,模拟或描写声音、形状、颜色、性质、动作的特殊语词,说话者亦借其表达感官经验或主观态度。Ideophones are a special type of words that depict all kinds of sounds, shapes, colors, qualities, and actions in a. direct matching of sound and meaning to convey sensory experiences and attitudes.