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她论说我贱视大卫。She told me about Dave.

尚存论说的群体即是市场。The community of discourse is the market.

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论说文体的,散文的,小品文作者的或与之相关的。Of or relating to an essay or a writer of essays.

开立信用证还要缴纳银论说续费。There will be bank charges in connection with the credit.

企业若不能参与到尚存论说的群体中,只有死路一条。Companies that do not belong to a community of discourse will die.

我也要在君王面前,论说你的法度,并不至于羞愧。I will speak of your statutes before kings and will not be put to shame

我也要在君王面前,论说你的法度,并不至于羞愧。I will speak of thy testimonies also before kings, and will not be ashamed.

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我的舌头,要终日论说你的公义,时常赞美你。My tongue will speak of your righteousness and of your praises all day long.

一些读他的书的人可能会觉得他对这个问题不懈的论说有些烦人。And some who read his book might find his persistence on the subject annoying.

人类群体建立在论说的基础上——演讲谈论群体关心的问题。Human communities are based on discourse—on human speech about human concerns.

课本不怎么样,尽是不得要领的论说和一些老生常谈。It was a poor performance, full of inconclusive arguments and other commonplaces.

我的舌头,要终日论说你的公义,时常赞美你。And my tongue shall speak of thy righteousness and of thy praise all the day long.

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可以用英语资格快速通过扳谈和论说较完备的一件事,搜罗时刻、地址、因果和进程等特定信息。To use English to narrate a complete story, including time, place, process, cause and effect.

你不必下结论说,只有拥有同样的灵魂,才能成为同一个人。You don't have to say that having the very same soul is the key to being the very same person.

论说巴黎的布置已比伦敦罗马匀调得多了,可是比上北平还差点事儿。Though Paris has a better layout than London or Rome, it nevertheless cannot compare with Peiping.

他母亲去世后,有一种理论说,他的母亲和母亲的死在他生活中起了重要作用。After his mother died, and so one theory is the role in his life is his mother and his loss of her.

而又为什么不允许灵魂理论说,别责怪我们,我们只是还不知道怎么去解释Why aren't I allowing the soul theory to say, "Don't blame us. We don't know how to explain it yet."

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论说巴黎的布置已比伦敦罗马匀调得多了,可是比上北平还差点事儿。The layout of Paris is much more balanced than that of London and Rome, but not as good as that of Peiping.

他走在最前面,象是在炫耀他的产业,并且论说着他正在筹划着的种种改进方案。He walked foremost , and appeared to be showing off his estate, and expatiating on his projected improvements.

但是记住,自由主义理论说,我们不能那样,简单加总偏好和满足。But remember, the libertarian theory says we can't just add up an aggregate preferences and satisfactions that way.