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尽管卡副久经沙场、满腹经纶,他还是希望能从新老大身上学到足够多的东西。And despite the Scouser's veteran status, he hopes to learn plenty from the new man.

他训练有素,满腹经纶,假如他参与任何争论,不至于失策犯错。If he engages in controversy of any kind, his disciplined intellect preserves him form the blunder.

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它绿得深沉,绿得仿佛是一位满腹经纶的沉静的中年人,正在深思着人生的哲学。It is deep green, Green seems to be a full of quiet middle aged, are considering a life philosophy.

无论是对商业初学者,还是满腹经纶的管理者,这些理念对任何明智的财务决策都是至关重要的。Whether a beginning business student or a seasoned executive, the concepts are essential to any intelligent financial decision.

毕业了,觉得自己满腹经纶满腹书,美酒佳肴待客沽。一时之间,志得意满。Graduate, feel one's mind is full of books, food & Wine hospitality received. Temporarily between, fully satisfied or contented.

文化是一种思想活动,是对美和人类情感的领悟,与零碎的知识无关。一个仅仅是满腹经纶的人对于世界是无裨益的。Culture is an activity of thought, and receptiveness to beauty and humane feeling. Scraps of information have nothing to do with it.

在这美丽的时节,一场场招聘会席卷全国各大高校,一批又一批的优秀大学生载着满腹经纶奔向各行各业。In the golden season, numerous employment advertise meets swept along our colleges, while passels of excellent graduates found their own posts.

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我们从小学到大学在背书室被关上十到十五年之后,最后出来时满腹经纶,实际上却一无所知。We are shut up in schools and college recitation rooms for 10 or 15 years and come out at last with a bellyful of words and do not know a thing.

到了晋代,高僧竺道生在此说法,虽然生公满腹经纶,口吐莲花,吸引“千人座”,但信者寥寥。By the Jin Dynasty, Zhu Dawson monks here, though full of public Health argued, Lotus Koutu to attract "thousands Block, " but those few letters.

我能完全了解,像你这么一位满腹经纶的学者,孤独的时候,和跟我这个没有什么知识的无知者坐在一起,一样会使你感到快乐的。I can well believe that so learned a person as you would be as happy to be alone, as sitting with a person who knows and has read almost nothing.

上学?一个姑娘家用得着满腹经纶吗?老爸生气的说,吃得饱穿得暖就要搞点精神追求?Go to school?A miss domestic expenses get full stomach statecraft ?The old daddy is angry of say, eat satisfied wear warm will make some spirit to pursue?

一旦这道菜被学校提供,学生将满腹经纶并拥有用灿烂的未来。Once a school serves the true education dish, each student’s stomachs will be filled with the ability to have a prosperous future and further their education.

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那些纯仆无欺的牧羊人以及满腹经纶的贤士们,引领我们到白冷去寻觅天主,因为祂以小圣婴的形体来到我们当中,跟我们那麽亲近。The simple shepherds and the learned Wise Men from the Orient guide us to the place where we find God in the small Child of Bethlehem, who has come so near to us men.

在质变的临界点没有达到之前,即便你满腹经纶、绝顶聪明,被人性弱点蒙蔽的双眼又怎能看见遍地的黄金呢?In the critical point of qualitative change not achieved until one's mind even if you are extremely clever human nature weakness eyes. How can see everywhere the gold?