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战祸之后,生活艰苦多了。Life was much harder in the aftermath of the war.

由于采取了一系列出人意料的果敢措施,这个国家幸免于战祸。By a series of bold strokes, the country was saved from war.

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让我们从一开始把遭受战祸社会项目代码一个WAP之一。Let's start converting code from a WSP project to a WAP one.

生病和饥饿的难民是遭战祸而流离失所的苦命人。Sick and starving refugees are the flotsam and jetsam of war.

战祸复发,生灵涂炭。War broke out again, plunging the people into misery and suffering.

人类在本世纪所遭受的战祸较以往更多更惨。Humanity has suffered more from war in this century than ever before.

北洋军阀统治时期,战祸不断,殃及教育。In the reign of the Northern Warlords, with the frequent wars, education was stagnant.

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因此,战祸应该归咎于德国军国主义及其领导人。The guilt for the war, therefore, rests at the door of German militarism and its leaders.

尽管发生了这些大规模的战祸,当今美国乃是世界上最强大、最有影响、生产力最高的国家。Despite these holocausts America is today the strongest, the most influential and most productive nation in the world.

国际红十字会说,它对于大量的平民伤亡感到震惊,并对陷于战祸困境的平民深感关切。The ICRC says it deplores the high number of civilian casualties and is concerned about the plight of civilians caught up in the fighting.

二战以后建立的联合国及其安理会,为使后世免遭“惨不堪言之战祸”,创设了“维持和平行动”。The UN and its Security Council created the peace-maintaining act in order to ensure future generations not to suffer from sorrowful wars.

这个判决立刻在这个深受战祸的国家引起各种不同的反应,什叶派庆祝而逊尼派示威。The verdicts immediately aroused different reactions across the war-torn country, where the Shiite community celebrated while the Sunnis demonstrated.

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民主运动先驱孙文以暴烈方式推动了晚清体制的解题,却因为沉淀太久的国民意识没有动员起来,而使中国陷入荒乱战祸之中。The herald of Movement for Democratic, Sun Yat-Sen, overthrew the Qing monarchy in arms, but didn't mobilize people immediately, and left China at war.

公元2000年前的夏禹宇宙期,地球上灾害频仍,严寒、地震、洪水接踵而至,酿成战祸,诱发大规模移民。During the disaster age about 2000 years ago, the earth was stricken by severe cold, terrible quakes 'and monstrous floods, which brewed wars and massive migrations.

在抛弃大马士革郊区破坏殆尽的家后,穆斯塔法和他的妻子,孩子几年迈的父母花了几个月的时间在一个又一个小镇躲避战祸。After abandoning his devastated home on the outskirts of Damascus, Mustafa, his wife, children and aging parents spent months seeking safety in one town after another.

牢记历史教训,维护世界反法西斯战争胜利成果,致力于避免后世再遭惨不堪言之战祸。It is important to remember the lessons of history and uphold the outcome of the world anti-fascist war so as to "save succeeding generations from the scourge of war".

在联合国宪章中,各国人民表示决心要使人类后代不再遭受曾给人类带来无穷痛苦的战祸。In the Charter of the United Nations, the peoples express their determination to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war which has brought untold sorrow to mankind.

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在联合国宪章中,各国人民表示决心要使子孙后代不再遭受曾给人类带来无穷痛苦的战祸。In the Charter of the United Nations, the peoples express their determination to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war which has brought untold sorrows to mankind.

生活将永远因为躲避战祸而改变,战争把他们的所有一切都分开,然而他们却随身携带自己的骄傲,自己的遗产及对于家所眷恋的事物。Lives that will be forever change escaping from war, separated froming everything they know and whole dear, taking with them their pride, their heritage and a little piece of home.