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给我肤色的祖国,给我智慧与胆略的祖国。Color my country, give me wisdom and boldness of the motherland.

当疑惑不定的时候,相信你的常识与胆略!When it is in doubt, use your common sense, and follow your guts!

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马克思不但是一位学识渊博的人,而且也是一位具有伟大胆略的人。Marx was not only a learned man, but one of great courage as well.

如果一个人胆子不大,却想在夜里进这村子的话,那么他得拥有超人的胆略。To approach the village at night a timid man requires great strategy.

对于其个人无可厚非,同时钦佩其智谋和胆略!For their personal criticism, and admire their resourcefulness and courage!

今天是皮亚杰的胆略和创造力燕鸥无可争议的参考。Today Piaget is an undisputed reference in terns of audacity and creativity.

他的眼神警惕而有才气,显示出他的聪明、活力和胆略。His gaze is alert and brilliant, depicting his intelligence, vigor and daring.

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作为一个方外之人,庄子有非常人所拥有的智慧与胆略,他的美学趣味当然也与众不同。As a saint, Chuang-tzu has unusual wisdom and courage, and his aesthetics interest is also special.

需要胆略和决心去尝试核心竞争力领域以外的新的商业行动。It takes guts and determination to try new business initiatives in areas outside our core competence.

他们是祖国的蓝天卫士,展现出了所向披靡的气质和胆略。They are the blue sky of the motherland defenders demonstrated an unbeatable temperament and courage.

面对来自语言学等其他流派对经典历史主义提出的挑战,詹姆逊表现出理论的胆略和远见。With the challenge to classical history from Linguistics and other theories, Jameson did his best to cope with.

布尔什维克党在实际行动上显示了高度的革命胆略和政治现实主义的结合。The Bolshevik party has shown in action a combination of the highest revolutionary audacity and political realism.

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微软公司在用人上所表现出的胆略与气魄是别的公司无可比拟的。The broad vision and boldness reflected in Mircrosoft Company's staffing strategy is incomparable to its peer companies.

胆商高的人能够把握机会,凡是成功的商人、政客,都具有非凡胆略和魄力。People with high DQ are good at seizing opportunity. All those successful businessman and statesman are remarkably courageous and resourceful.

李志先生以沉稳、坚韧的个性,独特的胆略和眼光,在短短三年时间内,使一个五星级酒店成为一个地区颇具影响力的企业代表。Mr. Li Zhi makes a Five-Star hotel become a famous corporation delegate in three years with his strong individuality and unique courage and resource.

实践是创造力形成的基础,创造的才能源于实践的积累,创造的胆略和智慧源自实践给予的真知。Practice is the basis for the forming of creativity, and the creative talent comes from the accumulation of practice. The courage and wisdom come from the truth of practice.

作为长城汽车第二款轿车产品,“炫丽”以合资品牌作为竞争对手,让人们领略到了自主品牌与合资品牌一争高下的勇气和胆略。"Florid" as the second car model of Great Wall Automobile make joint venture brand as its competitor, letting people realize independent and joint venture brand's competition.

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我们根据微软的资金投入、攻占市场的规模大小及采取行动的胆略,精心挑选出微软今年最重大的行动和最冒险的赌注。We sat down and picked the biggest moves and gambles that Microsoft took this year in terms of dollars spent, the size of market attacked, or the boldness of action undertaken.

给我肤色的祖国,给我智慧与胆略的祖国,有改革的浪潮迭起,冲破旧的束搏,迎来新世纪磅礴的日出!Give me the color of the motherland, give me wisdom and courage of the motherland, a wave of reform repeatedly, to break through the old beam pump, sunrise majestic new century!

一位勋绩卓著的独臂将军曾以特殊的胆略和气势组织大庆会战,把我国石油产业落后的帽子甩到安定洋里去了。A distinguished service alone in a special general arm had the courage and the momentum of the organization, the daqing battle was China"s oil industry behind hat flung to the Pacific."