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他只不过是个粗笨的大汉。He is nothing but an ape.

在大汉们几声淫笑后他们叫来了服务生。They dirtily smiled and called the waiter.

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说罢,几个大汉往旁门那边去了。Say, several big fellow BangMen went there.

突然,从旁门闯进后台几个大汉。Suddenly, from BangMen into several big fellow background.

爸爸简直每天回抵家里都是全身大汉的。His father almost every day back home are the Tahan emerge.

这些人的后面,还有一个黄胡子大汉站在小船上。Behind them in the boat stood a tall man with a yellow beard.

但不管怎样,孔子肯定是个典型的山东大汉了。In any case, Confucius was a typical strong man of Shangdong.

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此话一出,那四个像是生化人一样的大汉立刻蠢蠢欲动。As soon as she finished, the four seemingly biochemical people started to squirm.

他是个魁梧的大汉,穿一件黑色的外套,镶著金属纽扣,扛了一枝长长的猎枪。He was a big man, in a black coat, with metal buttons, and carried a long fowling-piece.

刘邦,这位大汉王朝的开创者,是如何一步步走向他人生的巅峰?How did Liu Bang, the pioneer of the Han Dynasty, approach the peak of his life step by step?

要是那帮大汉再来几个实力高强的帮手就好了。If that has variant several one assistant with tall strong real strenght for big fellow good.

我现场看到了这个压榨过程,四个结实的大汉抬着一个大木楔子,猛力往一个机器里面锤。The squeezing – demonstrated live – is done by four sturdy man hammering a wedge into the machinery.

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四个大汉一听到那个声音,倏地收势急停,呆立在原地。As soon as the four burly men heard that voice, they stopped dead in their tracks and stood there stupidly.

他匆匆跑过镇子中心街道上的一家酒馆门前时,与从酒馆里出来的一个穿着一身黑的大汉撞了个满怀。As he was running past a pub in the main street, he accidentally bumped into a tall man in black coming out.

在黑暗中,8位大汉突然出现在他的店内,其中一位用枪指著万吉的头,其他人则在店内搜括一切他们所想要的。Out of the darkness, eight figures emerged. One held a gun to his head while the others took what they wanted.

这部叫做大汉美人的音乐剧描述的是代夫人和他的丈夫利苍的故事。The show called Beauty of the Han Dynasty is described as a lovely story about Lady Dai and her husband Li Cang.

在1271年,他建立了元朝,这将继续成为第一个非大汉规则所有的中国。In 1271 he established the Yuan Dynasty, which would proceed to be the first non-Han dynasty to rule all of China.

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让我们充分利用我们的时间,精力,才华和机会向全世界展现出一个最完美的大汉品牌!Let us make the best use of our time, energy, talents, and opportunities to show the best of DaHan Brand to the world!

凸显民族正气,张扬大汉精神,歌颂正道人心,展现历史智慧。Highlight national sense of right, make public the big fellow spirit, the way people sing and show the history of wisdom.

小周看见里面站着几个大汉,觉得情况对自己不利,连声拒绝想脱身。Xiao Zhou saw the inside stood a few Han dynasty, feeling the adverse situation on their own, he kept refusing to get out.