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他是个滥竽充数的演员。He is a an actor.

你只是在滥竽充数么?Am I just making up numbers?

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你只是在滥竽充数么?Are you just making up numbers?

他是个滥竽充数的演员。He is a poor apology for an actor.

他不过是一名滥竽充数的美国戏剧研究者。He is a poor apology for a researcher of the American drama.

人们有时也用“滥竽充数”来表示自谦。You can also hear people saying it about themselves to show their modesty.

“滥竽充数”这个成语用来嘲笑那些没有真正才干,却混在行家里的人。The idiom "Be there just to make up the number" is used to mock someone who passes for a specialist.

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我们用了那些滥竽充数的承包商来粉刷房子的外墙面,但在数月之内它又必须重新粉刷了。We had these cowboy contractors to paint the outside of the house, but it needed doing again within a few months.

社会秩序由于滥竽充数,由于维持划分清楚的认同感,反而有助于维持。The social order need only maintain stability through redundancy, through the maintenance of a clearly marked identity.

本机构学习制度严谨,学习气氛极好,滥竽充数的人慎进。In 9 the organization learning rigorous system, excellent learning atmosphere, pretend to play the Yu people careful into.

在西餐里,祝福干杯讲究只用香槟酒,而绝不可以啤酒或其他葡萄酒滥竽充数。In a western meal nautical mile, bless bottoms up to pay attention to use champagne, but in no case can with the brew or other wine just to make up the numbers.

目前高校工科本科生毕业设计质量存在课题滥竽充数,理论脱离实际,部分师生心态浮躁、缺乏科学精神等问题。Engineering students must complete their project design in their graduation year. There exist some problems in the quality control of the graduation project design.

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由于山羊绒产品的优良特性,尽管其价位较高,仍受到消费者的青睐,因为有利可图,市场上滥竽充数的羊绒产品“纷纷登场”。Due to the excellent characteristics of cashmere products, despite their higher price, is still favored by consumers, as profitable, pass cashmere products on the market "on stage".

比如有位作家曾进入这种状态,写了一部很好的小说,后来再也没有进入过这种状态,以后所写的所有的小说很可能都是为了挣稿费,都是滥竽充数的垃圾。There has been such a writer who wrote an excellent novel in the state but never be in it afterwards. All his later novels are written for remunerations, being rubbish for making up numbers.