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三通球阀有T型和L型。Ball valve with T-and L-type.

在三通开关上塞上无菌塞子。Plug stopcocks with sterile plugs.

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三通切换阀“卡死”。" blocking"of three way switching valve.

杭州华三通信技术有限公司。Hangzhou Huasan Communication Technology Co, Ltd.

堂内为三通廊式,内墙彩绘壁画,装饰华丽。The interior of the church is divided into 3 naves.

用于组装三通,四通,弯通或有直角连接的地方。For assemblies of Tee, Cross, Bend or other angles joints.

做好施工现场布置和三通一平工作管理。Make scene arrangement and three supplies and one leveling.

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一看二慢三通过,麻痹大意闯大祸。A look at the two slow three through a catastrophe, careless.

三通及变径应与管道具有相同的技术参数。Bends, Tees and Reducers to be to the same specification as the tube.

现场三通一平工作已到位。The site "three connections and one leveling" condition is available.

使用三通阀时,可省掉一个两通阀和一个三通接管。Use three-way valve, a two-valve and can be saved over a three links.

过马路不要追逐,要一看,二慢,三通过。Do not cross the road to chase, to watch one second slower through three.

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将圆形管件焊接成三通、四通等是焊接行业经常遇到的工艺。Three-way or four-way round pipe welding is a common technique in practice.

介绍一种新型三通式钢丝加强型气管导管。This paper introduces a brand-new three-way trachea tube reinforced by steel.

适合三通四通管件侧孔的预胀型加工。Suitable for side expansion processing of Tee pipe fitting and Cro ipe fitting.

改进后的三通分料器使用效果良好。It is proved that the improved tee distributor runs well in production practice.

在三通末端重新安装仪表水龙头,然后重新安装水位玻璃管。图6。Re-install gauge cocks in the end of the tees and replace the gauge glass . Fig 6.

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适合三通四通管件侧孔的预胀型加工。Suitable for side expansion processing of Tee pipe fitting and Cross pipe fitting.

通过模拟获得了三通管挤胀成型过程中的主要失效形式。Simulations of the Common failure modes in UPVC branch forming have been described.

三通道DMX512解码控制芯片LS600通用说明参数!Three-channel DMX512 decoder chip LS600 general description of parameters of control!