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这里的人爱吃,小小县城却能吃遍大江南北。People here love to eat, a small county can eat across.

该饮料几乎一夜间红遍大江南北。The drinks almost overnight Hongbian major north-south.

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避而出走,足迹遍及大江南北。Avoid flee, footprint in the great river north and south.

“想唱就唱的口号传遍了大江南北”用英语怎么说?The slogan of "Sing as my pleasure " spreads all over the coutry.

我的父辈就在我的不懂的眼光中,闯荡在大江南北。My father is in my eyes don't understand, make a great river north and south in.

在中国大江南北、主要的河流都有中国玉文化的传承。River in China, north and south, the main river has a Chinese jade culture and heritage.

之后真的是大江南北,全国上下都在“过把瘾”。After it is on both sides of the Changjiang River, the whole nation is in" addiction too".

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2005年夏,湖南卫视“超级女声”以迅雷之速唱红大江南北。During the summer in 2005, Super Girl from Hunan TV promptly popularized all around China.

我游览了中国大江南北的许多城市,研究了解当地艺术和建筑。I travelled to many Chinesecities, from north to south, studying Chinese art and architecture.

近年来物流园区在不长时间内红遍大江南北,但其运行使用却遭遇尴尬。Logistics Park in recent years is not long inherent in the proliferation throughout the country.

他们现在工作在大江南北,却能够在这个网络社区里‘碰面’。They work now in great river north and south, can be however in this network community ' meet '.

爸爸买回的那一盒中国地图的纸拼图,带我走进了祖国的大江南北。Dad bought the map of China was a box of paper puzzle, took me into the river north and south of the country.

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我走遍中国的大江南北,尽可能多地品尝这些菜肴,并在北京的很多好馆子里大快朵颐。I have sampled as much of it as possible, from one end of China to the other and in many great Beijing restaurants.

房模这个词就像“非典”一样,短短几个月的时间传遍了大江南北,同时也引发了许多的争议。Housing modules like the term "SARS", a few months time avoid retaliation from, but also triggered many controversies.

京剧本来是一种地方性的戏剧表演形式,由于它传遍中国大江南北,深受群众欢迎与喜爱,所以就慢慢演变成了代表中国艺术特色的全国性戏剧。Originally a form of local theatre, Peking Opera spread all over the country and then became the national opera of China.

“老鼠嫁女”故事是大江南北家喻户晓的民间故事,其习俗更是多彩多样。The story of "The mouse marries is daughter" is a widely known folktale in China. Its custom is also colorful and various.

上下5000年,与吃有关而且能在大江南北叫得响的,除了川菜就要数这些名小吃了。Besides Sichuan Food, these snacks must be the most famous thing that is related to eating in China for around 5,000 years.

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瑞祥品牌影响力辐射全国大江南北,为打造中国顶尖装饰品牌而努力奋斗!Ruixiang brand influence the radiation to the great river north and south, for to make Chinese top adornment brand and work hard! ! ! ! !

西方的冰淇淋店也如雨后春笋出现在中国的大江南北,诸多国际化的口味都等待着与你舌头的相遇。And with Western ice cream parlors popping up all over China, many of those international flavors are just waiting to melt on your tongue.

位于京沪线上的南京长江大桥系该线贯通大江南北的主要咽喉。The Nanjing Changiang River bridge which is located in Beijing-Shanghai line is the key mute way that crosses the river from south to north.