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村中以种水稻、茭白、水果为主。The village with rice, wild rice, fruit.

茭白属于禾本科多年生宿根沼泽草本植物。Wild rice stem belongs to herb of marsh of gramineous vivacious perennial root.

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产卵选择性试验结果表明,水稻田和茭白田二化螟均喜在茭白植株上产卵。SSB from both rice and Zizania fields mostly prefer to oviposit on Zizania plants.

对雪菜茭白软罐头的加工工艺进行了探讨和优化。Soft can processing technique of water bamboo with pickled potherb mustard was optimized.

讨论了茭白育种技术及需要研究的问题。The breeding techniques and their future research aspects of water bamboo were also discussed.

比较茭白不同品种类型间纹枯病的发病率、危害程度及病害所致的产量损失。Disease percentage, disease index of sheath blight and yield loss were studied in water bamboo.

香米软饭,牛肉烧土豆,蚝油焖茭白胡萝卜,生菜腰花汤,梨。Rice, Braised beef with potato, Braised wild rice stem with carrot, Lettuce soup with sliced pork liver, Pear.

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探讨了杀菌剂、保鲜液、包装条件、贮藏温度对鲜切茭白贮藏性的影响。Effect of bactericides, fresh-keeping agent, package, storage temperature on storage of fresh-cut water-bamboo was studied.

用主成分分析并绘制二维排序图,发现水稻二化螟、茭白二化螟交迭在一体。Two dimension distribution figure was drawn by principal component analysis, which revealed that the striped stem borers overlapped.

研究了热水处理对茭白的嫩度、表皮色泽、叶绿素含量的影响。Effect of hot water treatment on tenderness, surface color and content of chlorophyll of minimally processed water bamboo was studied.

总糖和还原糖在茭白膨大的早期阶段迅速上升,之后又有所下降。The contents of sugar and reducing sugar increased during the early stem swelling stage, then decreased with senescence of the swollen stem.

研究了以茭白为主要原料生产清渍茭白罐头、油焖茭白罐头的加工工艺、操作要点和产品质量标准。This paper studied on the processing technique, operating rules and product standard of canned cane shoot in water and canned braised cane shoot.

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此外,蜂蜜、海蜇、海参、茭白、芹菜、醋、枸杞子、荸荠等对降血压有一定作用。In addition, honey, jellyfish, holothurian, wild rice stem, celery, vinegar, medlar , water chest nut to falling blood pressure has certain effect.

稻田系统多个物种共存的另一类模式如水稻品种多样性混合种植、稻-茭白间作和稻-湿生作物间作等,可明显降低稻瘟病等病害的发生与流行。Other models like intercropping rice with Zizania caduciflora L. and with other wetland crops also had effective effects in controlling the occurrence and spread of Pyricularia grisea.

通过测坑定位试验,研究了茭白田坑面水和渗漏水中氮素变化动态和流失规律。The dynamic distribution and fate of nitrogen species in the surface-water and leaking-water of simulated water bamboo fields were evaluated by the leaching-pond orientation experiments.

在茭白方面,选育出了商品性好且上市早的单季茭新品种,以及选育表皮光滑、秋茭上市早的双季茭白新品种。For water oats, the focus is to breed new single cropping varieties which are commercially viable and early on the market, or double cropping varieties with smooth surface and early on the market.