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你怎么克扣呢?What do you skimp on?

消灭人克扣人的现象。Eliminate the exploitation of men by men.

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我从商贩子那里买的米,肯定被克扣了分量。I surely got beaten when I bought rice from a monger.

她的工资无端被老板克扣。Her salary was cut short by her boss without any excuse.

他是一个克扣配料,欺骗客人的不老实的厨师。He is a deceitful cook who skimps on ingredients and shortchanges guests.

工人还声称工厂克扣社会保险金。The workers also claimed that the factory has failed to issue pension payments.

就这么苦挨数月乃至数年终于可以离船登岸时,你的工钱也往往会被巧取克扣。And at the end of months or years of this, you were often cheated of your wages.

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人们可能会试图用“经济”为借口,克扣你这个星期。People might try to use "the economy" as an excuse to shortchange you this week.

你们不要克扣他人所应得的财物。你们不要在地方上为非作歹,摆弄是非。And withhold not things justly due to men, nor do evil in the land, working mischief.

由于将军私自克扣饷银,士兵们几乎没什么斗志。The soldiers lost their will to fight when the general secretly reduced their allowance.

不按合同规定,自行减少或克扣用户气量。II. In case the gas quantity of users are reduced in breach of the provisions of contracts.

财主黄喜财自造文字,用以克扣教书先生的薪金被告到县衙。The landlord Huang Xicai made a strange word in order to cancel the salary of the tutor Mr.

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工人克扣工资而罢工,而包工们看见他们罢工惊得目瞪口呆。The workers stopped work over wage deduction the contractors were struck dumb by their strike.

她说,贪官污吏克扣教师的工资,甚至让学生们连粉笔也用不上。She said dishonest officials siphon off teachers’ salaries and even leave students without chalk.

劳动者工资不能按时支付,遭到恶意克扣,侵害劳动者工资权益的行为屡有发生。The situations that workers not paid on time and have been maliciously withheld occur repeatedly.

好消息是,企业克扣网络安全支出的日子几乎已经成了历史。The good news is that the days of corporations skimping on internal cyber security are almost over.

另据报道,工人还因房租和伙食被克扣工资,这样一来,他们一小时仅得到28美分。Workers were also reported to be docked wages for room and board, leaving them receiving only 28 cents an hour.

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但是,万一你在花光所有的钱之前就已经死了,那些克扣和节省又是为了什么?Yet what if you die before you spend all that money? What would the point of all that scrimping and saving have been?

如果你克扣了睡眠时间,胃促生长素水平升高,使你饥饿,并且消瘦素下降,标志着需求热量。If you skimp on sleep, ghrelin levels rise, making you hungry, and leptin levels dip, which signals a need for calories.

我三月份写作的时候,自由工作者很少有资格享受失业保险、健康保险或者有关克扣工资的法律。As I wrote in March, independent workers rarely qualify for unemployment insurance, health insurance, or wage theft laws.