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但它确实有所作为。But it does do something.

你希望有所作为。You want to do something.

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自然而然,你希望有所作为。Naturally, you want to do something.

“你必须对结束战乱有所作为,”她表示。“You have to have an end state,” she said.

每一个人都会有所作为和贡献。Every single one of you has something to offer.

奥巴马在余下的时间里能有所作为吗?Can Mr. Obama do anything in the time that remains?

你可愿去缝补一颗破碎的心,以有所作为?。would you make your mark by mending a broken heart?

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他已改过自新,并决心成为一个有所作为的人。He has straightened up and make something of himself.

我不可能无所不为,但我仍然可以有所作为。I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.

我希望在70岁前能成为社会中有所作为的一份子。I hope to be a productive member of society until 70.

羽毛扇只是在夏日的微风中才有所作为。The feather fan was only powerful against the summer breezes.

我想要在行销领域有所作为,于是我考虑去获得一个MBA学位。I wanted to go in marketing so I thought about getting an MBA.

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如果你持续不断的努力工作,又朝一日你会有所作为。If you work hard constantly, you will make a difference someday.

尽管如此,酒店经营者们还是认为三亚的吸引力不够多面,希望三亚进一步有所作为。Still, hoteliers fret that Sanya must do more to diversify its appeal.

而如果你已经有所作为自己还不知道的话该如何是好呢?And what if you’ve already produced your big hit and don’t know it yet?

现在,也有公司对Linux在桌面市场有所作为看好的公司。Now, there are firms interested in seeing Linux do well on the desktop.

凭她的智力,她长大后必定有所作为。With her intelligence,she should amount to something when she grows up.

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作为一个有所作为的生物学家,她把花儿夹放在她最钟爱的书中。An accomplished botanist, she kept flowers pressed in her favorite books.

这里有三件事你今天就可以做到,在网络教育中有所作为Here are three things you can do today to make a difference in web education

对成为“过时人物”的恐惧阻止着一些人有所作为。The fear of becoming a " has-been " keeps some people from becoming anything.