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陶文距今也接近五千年。Tao is also close to five thousand years ago.

这些陶文被认为是汉字的雏形。These pottery inscriptions are believed to be an embryonic form of Chinese characters.

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最早的汉字人们都说是甲骨文、金文……甚至是陶文。People think that the earliest Chinese characters are Oracle Bone Inscriptions, Inscriptions on the Bronze Objects and so on.

吉林大学文物室藏着一批古陶文实物,皆未经著录。There are a passel of ancient pottery script which have not been recorded in the cultural relic collection room of Jilin University.

陶文钊,就同中国社会科学院美国问题专家认为是“敬礼”,以奥巴马的“新思路的奖”。Tao Wenzhao, an expert on US studies with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, sees the prize as a "salute" to Obama's "new ideas".

陶文钊指出,“2010年之前,无论是美韩关系还是美日关系,都出现了不同程度的弱化趋势。" Tao Zhao pointed out that "before 2010, both US-ROK relations or US-Japan relations, have suffered different degrees of weakening trend.

陶文的研究方法得到改进,释字及与陶文相关的综合性研究取得了重大成果,很多具有争议性的问题得到了解决。The research approach of the inscription on pottery is improved, many words have studied out, a lot of Disputable question have been solved.

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殷墟甲骨文之前存在着一种起码由夏初延续到殷商后期的,以毛笔主要书于简牍的更古老的字体,王城岗遗址和丁公遗址陶文从属于该文字系别。Before the appearance of inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of Yinxu, there existed a typeface which was mainly written on bamboo slips with the use of brushes.

秦陶文中有两类抑印陶文,风格特征与目前所建立的秦印标准大不相同,为战国晚期秦到统一秦时期很有特色的两类秦印。There are two kinds of Qin seals whose characters are very different from the standard Qin seal belonging to the two kinds from late warring period to Qin′s unification.

作者按国别与时代,对这些陶文作了分类整理。文中对若干陶文的释读,提出了新的意见。The authors classified and arranged the pottery script according to their states and ages, and put forward some new opinions on the textual research and explanation of the pottery script.