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毋须私情,不需回报。No personal feelings, without return.

你知道吗,命令不允许有任何私情。You see, command allows no intimacies.

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职员给领导送礼是为深化私情。Gifts to the staff of leadership is to deepen Siqing.

她向报界透露她自己跟某天王歌星的私情。She disclosed her kiss-and-tell story with a pop-star to the press.

我想象到一些不同寻常的私情和前所未闻的醇酒和情欲。I imagine extraordinary intrigues and unheard of wines and passions.

可是,姑娘却爱上邻家的少年,两人有了私情。However, the girl fell in love with the boy next door, the two had an affair.

为人仁义,但在大义面前,能够放下个人私情。Human righteousness, but in the righteous cause of the front, to put aside personal affair.

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那个可怜的男人由于发觉他的夫人取另一个男女有私情而念他杀。Having found out that his wife had an affair with another man, the poor man wanted to kill himself.

我们要学着象那些男人一样,试着把一些儿女私情人情琐事不萦心上。We must learn the same as those of men, some children tried not trivial personal favor Ying human hearts.

拉乌尔又悲伤又愤怒。他相信克里斯蒂娜与这个音乐精灵肯定有了私情!Raoul became very sad and angry. He believed that Christine was having an affair with this Angel of Music.

他让法官确切职责征服父子确切私情,而判决他儿子有罪。He air conditionerityicle authorized the father to be overruled by the judge, and declared his own son guilty.

那个不幸的男人由于发现他的妻子与另一个男子有私情而想自杀。Having found out that his wife hposting an relship with another man, the poor man winitiing anted to kill himself.

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而这唯一的采购者与老板有私情,即使采购有问题,也难以解决之。And the only buyers having an affair with the boss, even if the procurement is in question, it is difficult to solve it.

程如山告诉超群不能再给敌人任何的机会可以利用他的女儿私情,不能失去应有的理智。Cheng Rushan tell superior cant give the enemy any chance can take advantage of his daughter, cant afford to lose reason.

就在她向他们乞求帮助时,阿索卡发现自己需要将绝地断绝私情的哲学付诸实践。As she implores them for help, Ahsoka finds she needs to practice the Jedi philosophy that prohibits personal attachments.

达内是反对法国责族的横暴而离开法国的,卡顿抛弃自己的私情,帮助他们结合。France is opposed to the select group of violent and left France, to abandon their cards Dayton connections to help them with.

高文的哥哥艾葛文和摩瑞,憎恶王后关妮维尔和第一武士蓝斯洛,因此对骑士们揭露他们之间不可告人的私情。Gawain 's brothers Aggravain and Mordred, hating the queen and Launcelot, speak of their adulterous love before numerous knights.

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王五创造两人私情后,没声张,而是花钱请来张三恳求悄无声息地干掉两人。Wang 5, after the creation of two personal feelings, without fanfare, but the money brought in Zhang San begged quietly get rid of the two.

后期四个剧本着力于公义与私情的调适,以期达到兼美的理想境域。Four theatrical works in the later stage focuse on reaching unanimity between public service and his own interests, and the double beautiful.

此外,剧集中用了大量笔墨,描绘肯尼迪和众多女性的私情,让肯尼迪的好丈夫形象毁于一旦。In addition, the series used a lot of ink, and many women describe the Kennedy affair, so that the image of Kennedy's good husband destroyed.