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沉思,然后松手。Meditate and let go.

握紧绳子别松手。Don't let go the rope.

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你一松手,它就掉下去了You let go of it, it drops down.

痛苦是因为你抓得太牢不想松手。Pain is where you hold on too tightly.

一片树叶只要能留在树上就不应该松手往下掉。So long as a leaf can stay up it mustn't let go.

要是一开始就松手,我的疾苦会不会少些?。If Ihad saved the effort, would the pain be less?

我叫他扶着车子别松手,他却说是时候了。I told him not to let go, but he said it was time.

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痛苦是因为你抓得太牢不想松手。Why would you want to keep your emotions at arms length?

吉尔伯特紧紧抓住父亲,不肯松手,并且将头埋进父亲那厚厚的海军羊绒外套。Gilbert hung on tight, burying his head in Dad's thick, wool Navy coat.

为了实行这个工作计划,他们松手了假期。They gaudio-videoe up their holidays in order to fulfill their work plan.

投资者看见这么一家公司能够如此赚钱,都希望手里攥着他的股票不松手。Investors itch for a company like that to go do something with that rich of a stock currency.

在你抓虱子之前,用酒精轻轻拍一下它,让其松手。Before you pull a tick off Fido, dab the critter with rubbing alcohol to make it loosen its grip.

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这一方法简单有效,施虐者在必要时候也可以很快松手。This method is simple and effective, and also allows the Top to let up very quickly if necessary.

所谓的安闲,就是自己着的理由,要是任意松手生命,那么在哪里都找不到自在的。The so-called freedom is the reason to be alive. If you easily give up life then you can never find freedom.

然后我松手,当我把力撤销,这个弹簧最后的长度,比它一开始要长。And then when I relaxed, when I took my force off, the spring was longer at the ends than it was at the beginning.

当眼皮垂下时,手指渐渐地朝耳朵方向拉,从1数到5,然后松手。When the eyelids lowered, the fingers gradually pulled in the direction towards the ear, from 1 to 5, then let go.

就在他攀上一块重达800磅的大山石时,山石突然松动了,小伙子立即松手,惯性把他一下子就甩到岩壁上,山石同时向他滚来,压到他的右臂后才停了下来。He had just scrambled over an 800-pound boulder when it came loose and sent the young man flying down the canyon wall.

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最好握着执手把锁舌旋进锁体,关好门后再松手,不要用力撞门,否则会减少使用寿命。In everday use, it is best to hole the handle to insert the lock-tongue into the lock. Do not let off until the door is closed.

当他们终于松手后,安倍坐回椅子里,似乎翻了个白眼,出了一口气,可能是松了一口气,也可能是一个玩笑。When they finally let go, Abe sat back in his chair and appeared to roll his eyes and sigh -- perhaps in relief, perhaps as a joke.

我想我得找一个人来替我记录女儿学骑车的经历,因为一旦丈夫准备好松手的话,我想我是没有勇气再看下去的。I am recruiting for someone to photograph and take video when she’s ready for him to let go though, because I don’t think I can watch.