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峨眉山是个不错的休养胜地。Emei mountain is a good health resort.

她去乡村休养。She went to the country to recuperate.

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这场意外的受害者在家中休养。The accident victim recuperated at home.

对于我们大多数人来说,水是一个休养胜地。For many of us the water is a playground.

高师母仍在加州休养复原。Mrs. Ko is still recovering in California.

至于休养,应该和坐月子是一样的。As for rest and confinement should be the same.

久病一场后她正在休养。She is regaining her vitality after a long illness.

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还有一些人认为,也许这里只是一个休养的静所。There are some who think that maybe it was just a retreat.

大雾突然笼罩了总统的休养地。A heavy fog had suddenly enveloped the Presidential retreat.

2008年6月14日,陈勇军经过一个多月的治疗,身体有了好转,便办理了出院手续回家休养。After a month’s treatment, chen went back home on June 14th, 2008.

他们在海滨疗养院养精蓄锐休养了两个星期。They replenished themselves in a seaside sanatorium for two weeks.

Nick仍在医院里休养,他刚讲完一个电话,在通话中听得出情况非常乐观。Still recuperating in the hospital, Nicks hangs up the phone in a hopeful mood.

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一辆救护车将他送到芝加哥地区的一处舒适的医院休养。An ambulance took him to a Chicago-area hospital where he's resting comfortably.

你要知道,你的身体没有完全康复,还得好好休养。悠着点,别着急。You must realize that you've not been well and you've to take it easy for a bit.

当妮基在医院里康复休养时,尼克在押候审,被控蓄意谋杀。As Nicky recovered in hospital, Nick was on remand, charged with attempted murder.

我迫不及待春节快点到。我想去探望双亲并好好休养一下。I can't wait for Spring Festival. I'm going to visit my parents and get some R and R.

就多看下书学点有休养的东西,学点有知识的东西,知道吗?See next book, the more points recuperation of things, knowledge of what points, know?

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1791年后,健康原因迫使她花费大量时间在昆西休养。After 1791, however, poor health forced her to spend as much time as possible in Quincy.

手术后,亨利在米兰休养,凯瑟琳•巴克利作他的护理员。After his operation, Henry convalesced in Milan with Catherine Barkley as his attendant.

当明星正在休养恢复健康时,她的角色由修补演员代替。While the star is recuperating from her illness, her role will be played by her understudy.