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我有痛风可以吃吗?Can a gouty patient eat nuts?

我因患痛风而感到脚趾像刺扎的一样痛。My toe is pricking with the gout.

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对痛风、风湿痛有更好的疗效。For gout, rheumatism pain have better effect.

痛风是由于嘌呤代谢异常引起的疾病。Gout is caused by abnormal metabolism of purine.

腕管综合征继发性痛风是少见。Carpal tunnel syndrome secondary to gout is uncommon.

泼尼松龙能否作为痛风急性发作期的一线治疗药物?Should prednisolone be first-line therapy for acute gout?

然而,没有研究表明维生素C是治疗痛风的一种方法。However, vitamin C hasn’t been studied as a treatment for gout.

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本品尤其适合痛风缓解期的保健,长期饮用无毒副作用。It is good for health care of chronic gout, has no side effect.

治疗“痛风”的口服药副作用大吗?Cure " gouty " is side effect of drug of profess to convinced big?

痛风的症状,如何预防。生活中需要注意什么?。Gouty symptom, how to prevent. What does the need in the life notice?

这样就可以通过降低体内尿酸的水平来降低患痛风的风险。This may lower the blood’s uric acid level and reduce the risk of gout.

痛风是遍布全球的代谢障碍性疾病。Gout is the metabolism obstacle disease that spreads all over the world.

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高明利教授从事临床工作二十余载,在痛风性关节炎的治疗上积累了丰富的经验。Professor Gao ming-li has been engaged in clinic for more than 20 years.

我有痛风、气喘、以及其它七种疾病,惟其余则极之健康。I have gout, asthma, and seven other maladies, but am otherwise very well.

我有痛风、气喘、以及其它七种疾病,惟其余则极之健康。I have gout, asthma, and seven other maladies , but am otherwise very well.

目的探讨藏药桑当抗痛风作用机理。ObjectiveTo investigate the anti-gout mechanism of Tibetan medicine Sangdang.

在痛风发作期,典型治疗是用减缓炎症的药物。During an attack, gout is typically treated with drugs that cool inflammation.

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如果你已经有痛风,你的情况在服用环孢素后可能恶化。If you already have gout, your condition may worsen while taking cyclosporine.

关节功能明显改善,无痛风石复发,手指麻木感减轻。The tophus got no recurred, and neuropathy symptoms of the hand were relieved.

结论中医灸法治疗痛风性关节炎急性期疗效确切。Conclusion Moxibustion therapy is an effective method for acute gouty arthritis.