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社交也游刃有余。I was doing well socially.

如果他们明智,他们就能学以致用,使自己变得更游刃有余。If they're wise, they can put this to use, and appear smarter.

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如果他们明智,他们就能学以致用,使自己变得更游刃有余。If they’re wise, they can put this to use, and appear smarter.

他游刃有余地参加名流晚宴,宛如政坛老将。He navigates celebrity dinner galas like a seasoned politician.

中情局至今摸不到拉登的踪影,拉登的活动却游刃有余。The cia has touch sight of osama bin laden, but more automatic.

业大学生朋友们在找工作时游刃有余。Students friends in the industry to find jobs equal to the task.

玛丽既不聪明也不笨,但应付工作游刃有余。Mary is neither clever nor stupid, but is good enough at her work.

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怎样才能从一个偶然的设计混子成为游刃有余的设计机器呢?How do you go from haphazard doodler to a well-oiled design machine?

没有任何一种策略比得上搜索营销,让你如此游刃有余。No other set of strategies offers you so much scope as search marketing.

通过采用这样的原则,我在面对变化时游刃有余。By following that principle I have gotten lucky with changes time and time again.

而且,无论是在经济、商业还是在投资领域,她们都可以做得游刃有余。Moreover, they can perform well in the fields of economy, business and investment.

这款洗衣液有较传统洗衣产品三倍之洁净力,即使清洁最顽固的污渍亦能游刃有余。Here, we apply 3X the power of regular detergent against your toughest dirt and odors.

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建筑师出身的陈穗建与工程部谈起方案来游刃有余。Chen Sui-born architect with the Ministry of Works about programmes to highly competent.

同样是厨师疱丁解牛“游刃有余”,这就是意志和日复一日的磨炼!Ding is the same chef blister of cattle "to cope with" This is the will and daily temper!

亚力克·鲍德温扮演的这个角色性感的有点荒谬,并将杰克这个角色驾驭的游刃有余。In this role, Alec Baldwin is ridiculously hot, and completely comfortable in Jack’s skin.

目前有现成的控制和治疗霍乱的措施,所以我们在这一方面游刃有余。There are proven methods to contain and treat cholera, so we know what we're dealing with.

这房间我一直都渴望能进去一窥奥妙,而他却能在其中行动自如游刃有余。It was a room I had always wanted to enter and where he was moving freely and fully at ease.

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如果你对自己了解充分,那么你就会找到一份适合自己性格的工作,并且游刃有余。If you know yourself well, you will find a career that suits your personality and excel in it.

在这个越来越复杂的世界中,我们需要更加善于推理思考,才能过得游刃有余。We need to be good at rational thinking to navigate our way around an increasingly complex world.

但是要记住的一点是,大多数vc们会欣赏那些游刃有余的“执着”而非那些死缠烂打的“纠结”。But remember, most VC's will remember your tenacity more than be annoyed that you kept persisting.