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他从不为别人着想。He never considers others.

她是为你着想才那样做的。She did that for your good.

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她从来不为别人着想。She never considers others.

也为您的健康多着想。Think about your health, too.

应常为穷人着想。Be considerate toward the poor.

我的狗呜咽着想被放出去。My dog whimpered to be let out.

她没有为她的部队着想。She was not thinking of her troops.

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有些人就是不替别人着想。Some people are not very considerate.

因此,为了你的安全着想,请不要见这个男人。For your own safety, do NOT see this man.

他是这么不替将来着想。He is so thoughtful concerning the future.

我只是在为我心爱的侄儿着想。I'm only looking out for my favorite nephew.

涐羭感谢你让我最后为自己着想。Thanks to you I am finally thinking about me.

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我很奇怪,你为何如此不替别人着想。I wonder why you are so thoughtless of others.

你怎么如此不替别人着想?那是不对的!How dare you be so inconsiderate? That's wrong!

为您的安全着想,请不要站在车门边。For your safety, please stand back from the door.

最高的圣德便是为旁人着想。The highest SAN DE is in the interests of others.

要多为他人着想,少为自己着想。Think of Others more than you think of your self.

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很多花样百出的俱乐部的项目都不会为我们设身处地的着想。Most gimmicky club things just don't do it for me.

然而,年轻的中国人在为自己着想时却很费力气。Yet, young Chinese struggle to think for themselves.

为别人着想,帮助他人的人,thinks about other people, wants to help other people,